Why Google Page Rank Is So Important To Your Business

Having already talked at a high level about Semantic Search and simply mentioning Google Page Rank, in the article How To Lead Readers From Their Search To Your Solution, it seems fitting to close the loop on Page Rank by delving more deeply into it.
And we can ignore it if we choose, but sooner or later, it will affect us. Actually, sooner and later – we just might not know or understand it yet.
The Infographic here is really an ‘everything you could ever wish to know’ on the subject. It contains all 200 ranking factors, a few of which I will bullet, below.
For those who would prefer something with far less detail that can be digested in minutes, this graphic, Understanding Google PageRank, has been widely disseminated in the 3 years since it first came out.
For those wanting the authoritative piece, something to keep and reference when needed, this amazingly helpful infographic, from evocative.cc is for you. The factors range from extremely important to really quite small. But as you can imagine, if you score bad on enough of the smaller factors you still suffer as a result.
Warning: This is a very long infographic! If you want to skip past it, scroll quickly! Some key points follow the image.
A few key points:
Amongst the things that can help you:
- Original Content
- High Quality Outbound Links
- A keyword as the first word in your Domain Name
- A keyword in a page title and the Meta Description
- A keyword in the first 100 words of an article
- Citing your article sources
- Registering your Domain for several years, as opposed to annual renewal
- A national top level Domain, such as co.uk, will help you in that country
- A page that is part of a closely related category
- Bulleted and numbered lists within your text
- Regularly updated content
- A Sitemap
- Youtube videos
- Low bounce rate
- Verified Google Authorship
- People with high authority who tweet, +1 or like/share your content
- Having a Linkedin Company page
- High number of RSS Subscribers
Amongst the things that can hurt you:
- Broken Links
- Too many Outbound Links from a page
- Keeping your whois private (It is considered that you have something to hide!)
- A national top level Domain will hurt you globally
- Sponsored links
- Slow page loading speed
- Too many affiliate links
- Long URL
- A page that is part of an unrelated or unclassified category
- Reciprocal links to other sites
- Pop-ups and distracting ads
- Keyword ‘stuffing’
- Black Hat SEO
Remember: These are just 31 of the 200. You might find some of the points I didn’t put here to be more important to you.
If you want to check your site’s page rank ,use Google’s PR Checker
NOTE: Although there are indicators for unique pages as well as websites, it is unlikely that your blog will have any pages with a page rank. These pointers will, though, make those pages more visible in Search
I doubt that anybody is doing everything that is in the positive column, but hopefully you will find a thing or two that will not take up too much time, that you can do to help yourself.
Remember, if you have a low page rank, you will show up lower in search than a site/page with a higher rank, if you are going after the same readership. So maximizing your chances of ranking well is surely a good thing.
Andy Capaloff
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