Has Your Business Facebook Page Stopped Growing?

Facebook Pages have come a long way since their inception with quite a few changes along the way. Today it is a challenge to build fans and engagement without purchasing expensive advertising.
Has your business page been a bit dull lately? Facebook’s new algorithm and rules for link baiting have had an impact for certain, but this is something that can be overcome.
In order to maintain visibility in the new feeds Page owners need to shift their marketing strategy. There are a few tried and true methods to use that will actually encourage engagement and growth that doesn’t have to break the bank.
• Upgrade your timeline – If it has been a while since your company has updated it’s graphics and description then now is the time to do an overview to determine whether this may be a hinderance to your Page. The key to success is to remain consistent with your other social networks with a clear description and link to your website that is easy to understand and accurately represents your business.
Rebekah Radice, who is a successful digital marketer, has chosen orange as a primary color for her online properties. Take a look at her website which she keeps consistent with her all social channels:
• Leverage other Pages in your niche – One of the best ways to bring communication back to your Facebook Page is to comment and interact with other influencers in your niche. Be sure their Pages are active with plenty of members, and not spammy. Consider hosting a special day where you can exchange links and ideas. Kim Garst of Boom! Social is great at this as seen here with her Marketing Monday post:
• Fans love graphics – People will start sharing and engaging more on your Page if the graphics are eye-catching, professional, and share something that they enjoy or meets a need. The same goes for great videos and infographics as well. Combine these with tips and quotes and your engagement will vastly improve. It doesn’t hurt to ask questions of your community every once in a while to get a feel of what your target market needs. And your Fans will love to share their opinions. Here’s a quote that I recently posted, which garnered a lot of attention on my Fan Page:
• Host a contest or giveaway – Build anticipation and encourage your Fans to want to return for more with regular campaigns where your personal brand can give away a product or service with a clear deadline and winner announcement. Cross promote these on your other social networks to bring more attention to your Page.
Facebook Pages are clearly not dead when it comes to building a your business online. Through creative images and content your company Page can become a magnet for new Fans. Track your progress with Facebook’s powerful analytics at least twice a month, and make adjustments on your strategy by observing those posts that are not performing well. Sometimes a Page needs a little boost when it has been inactive for a while. In this case consider a short-time advertising campaign to get activity going again.
Susan Gilbert
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