Facebook News Feed Algorithm Changes: What You Need To Know

By now, April’s major change in the Facebook algorithm isn’t exactly news, even if most people will not be familiar with its minute details. Was anyone surprised by this or any other of the Social Media giant’s changes? No, me neither! But maybe just maybe, we can start to see some positive trends happening now?…
Target Your Fans With Facebook Audience Optimization

Has your business experienced a decrease in Fan activity on your Facebook page? This is in large part due to their algorithm changes, which can prevent posts from being seen in the News Feeds. A new feature released by Facebook aims to help Page owners better target their Fans and attract organic results. Facebook Audience…
Do you connect with Pages or People?

Think of a post from a Facebook Page and think about why you interacted with it. I was given this task in preparation for a social media workshop. Looking through my profile I realised I don’t interact with pages a lot. I like a bunch of them, admin a couple. I interact with people, both…
Has Your Business Facebook Page Stopped Growing?

Facebook Pages have come a long way since their inception with quite a few changes along the way. Today it is a challenge to build fans and engagement without purchasing expensive advertising. Has your business page been a bit dull lately? Facebook’s new algorithm and rules for link baiting have had an impact for certain,…