Susan Gilbert
November 30, 2015

Audit Your Social Media Profiles for Quality Connections

If your business is seeking to build a stronger level of influence online then you will want to have an active and involved audience who has an interest in what you have to offer. A large number of followers needs to be based on quality connections and relationships with influencers in your target market. In…

Mike Allton
November 29, 2015

Why You Should Use Forward Links

For•ward•link•ing – v. the act of inserting links to newer posts into older posts. Ok, full disclosure time… that’s not a real word. I made it up. But, bear with me… it’s worth learning about just the same! Conceptually, it’s quite simple, and based on the ideas of Backlinking and Deep Linking. Backlinks are when…

Lee Traupel
November 26, 2015

How Digital Competency Defines Marketing Success

Digital competency sounds like marketing speak. It is not. Today, as never before, barriers to entry for small biz brads are defined by your ability or lack thereof to shape technology to fit your business rules. Over 37% of small business owners plan to spend more on digital the next 12 months.   Technical competency…

Bryan Kramer
November 24, 2015

Emotional Intelligence: How Successful Companies Create It

For decades, a lot of emphasis has been placed on understanding an employee’s intelligence quotient (IQ)-referring to that set of cognitive abilities that allows us to acquire knowledge and to solve problems. But in business (as in life) if you only focus on this part of an individual, you are missing one of the major…

Susan Gilbert
November 23, 2015

Attract More Followers For Your Business with Live Streaming

If your business has hosted an online webinar or podcast then you will know that it can be a challenge to attract an audience even after sharing your event ahead of time on social media. Live streaming helps bring your broadcast together instantly with more interested viewers than ever. Traditionally live video interviews and events…

Paolo Fabrizio
November 22, 2015

Turn your website into a Social Customer Service hub


When we have issues we tend to look for solutions outside of our company, but often that’s not a good move. In fact, most of the times either problems and solutions lie within the company. However we just don’t realize it since we are distracted by sense of urgency. When it comes to customer service, the…

Nicholas Scalice
November 20, 2015

5 Essential Social Media Marketing Tools

Many professions are defined – at least in some small way – by the tools connected to the trade. Carpenters, for instance, bring to mind hammers, nails, and power tools. Stethoscopes characterize doctors almost too often, and there is a deep connection between police officers and their guns, badges, and handcuffs. But what about social…

Robert Caruso
November 18, 2015

How To Make B2B Content Marketing Effective

B2B brands in all industries are utilizing online marketing as part of their online lead and demand generation strategies. A recent Content Marketing Institute study found that over the last three years a staggering 86% to 93% of business to business brands are currently deploying content marketing. Unfortunately, their results vary greatly. Only about one-third said “their use of content marketing is effective”, while…

Brett Relander
November 17, 2015

5 Metrics to Measure Influencer Marketing

In the past, it was often difficult to accurately measure marketing methods to determine which methods were driving the highest levels of traffic. Today, we have access to a wide array of online marketing methods, including social media and influencer marketing. In fact, a study conducted by SocialChorus found that an influencer marketer campaigns can…

Susan Gilbert
November 16, 2015

How to Make Pinterest Work for Your Business Marketing

Since 2010 Pinterest has continually and quickly risen to one of the top social networks with more than 70 million active users worldwide. Not only are images and videos a big hit, but content from blogs as well. According to an article on Business Insider, men are becoming increasingly interested in participating on Pinterest with…

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