Jan Gordon
November 12, 2019

Curatti is 6 Years Old! Thank You For Making That Possible

Thank you from Curatti

On November 8th, 6 years ago, Curatti launched with this article. We’re so proud to have brought you over 1300 articles since then, and to still be going strong.

We get way more inquiries to post than we can possibly respond to – apologies to those who never hear back from us!

In the last 6 years, we’ve had over 260 contributors, listed in alphabetical order, below. These include the thought leaders who allowed us to republish their content. It would have been more, but we’ve trimmed our output and become very, very fussy!

What remains as true now as it was on day one is our mission. We aim to help people navigate the B2B digital marketing landscape. And most of our articles are aimed at small and medium-sized businesses. What we publish from our contributors, is stuff we also want to know. So we learn as we grow.

Our Readers Are Our Lifeblood

Even more than our authors, our readers are our lifeblood. We thank you, whether you are regular readers, or you just stumble upon an occasional article.

Because we are nothing without you, it’s important that we ask you what you’d like to see on here.

Please tell us if there are some subjects you’d like to see us publish more on. What do you feel will help you to read?

Our Authors

Lucy Adams Jan Gordon Anders Orsander
Masroor Ahmed Ryan Gould Jaykishan Panchal
Ben Alfrey Victoria Greene Dipti Parmar
Asad Ali David Gutierrez Catherine Park
Junald Ali Liaqat Ali Hamiya Taral Patel
Mike Allton Jennifer Hanford Lisa Pedelini
Natalie Andersen Wade Harman Rob Peters
Jess Andriani Kaley Hart Julie Pearce
Josh Anish Michael Hayes Mark Preston
Megan Arevalo Morgen Henderson Albert Qian
Norman Arviddson Jenn Herman Nazareth Qarbozian
Rebecca Armstrong-Benson Greg Hickman Junald Ali Qureshi
Sarah Arrow Randy Hilarski Jason Parms
Anastasia Ashman Ana Hoffman Ana Pischl
Scott Aughtmon Alicia Honeycutt Rebekah Radice
Matt Banner Timothy “Tim” Hughes Niraj Ranjan
Shane Barker Veronica Hunt Alexandra Raey
Rachel Bartee Andrew Hutchinson Mitt Ray
Hugh Beaulac Sam Hurley Heather Redding
Adela Belin Dina Indelicato Bret Relander
Jens-Petter Berget Keri Jaehnig Chris Richardson
Anthony Bergs Tom Jager Rick Riddle
Diana Beyer John Jantsch Nina Ritz
Shyam Bhardwaj Zac Johnson Anton Rius
Joydeep Bhattacharya Mike Jones Cesar Romero
Sudhir Bhushan Janja Jovanovic Gideon Rosenblatt
Rintu Biswas Sahil Kakkar Anna Rud
Antonija Bozickovic Vaibhav Kakkar Olivia Ryan
Victor Blasco Nancy Kapoor Pawan Sahu
Helen Bradford Adel Karpenkova Ash Salleh
Robert Brandl Birbahadur Singh Kathayat Adeel Sami
Michael Brenner Gloria Kopp Will Sarto
Luisa Brenton Bryan Kramer Greg Satell
Danny Brown Shelly Kramer Nicholas Scalice
Michael Brito Julia Kravchenko Ron Sela
Liza Brown Milosz Krasinski Joan Selby
Laura Buckler Arjunan KS Ruchika Sharma
Phil Buckley Jessica Lambert Varun Sharma
Andy Capaloff Kate Laren Martin Shervington
Cedrick Capati Aaron Lee Paul Shuteyev
Robert Caruso Brandon Lee Lisa Sicard
Sophorn Chhay Jessica Leone Mandeep Singh
Greg Cooper John Lincoln Robin Singh
Linda Craig Geoff Livingston Josh Sleigh
Reginald Chan Andrew Lowen Jacob Smart
David Coen Alexandra Malis Ann Smarty
Patrick Cole Alaina Meiser Amanda Smith
Leah Cooper James Malone Ilene Smith
Amy Cowen Piyush Mangukiya Martin (Marty) Smith
Kerry Creaswood Marko Maric Helvis Smotek
Jacob Curtis Cendrine Marrouat Michael Spicer
Joshua Daniels Shiju Mathew Sreeram Sreenivasan
Michael Deane Kayla Matthews Nicole Stelmar
Toby Dean Joe McLean Raymond Stokes
Becky DeGrossa Rob Mening Nathan Sykes
Mark Delarica Bernard Meyer Cheryl Tan
Laura DiBiase Josip Mlinarić PJ Taei
Karen Dietz Thea Millard Aliona Tarankova
Karen Dikson David Miller Ivan Temelkov
Nick Dimitriou Derek Miller Mark Thomasson
Gaetano DiNardi Emma Miller Ofer Tirosh
Irene Dobik Helen Miller Mark Traphagen
Stewart Dunlop JP Misenas Lee Traupel
Angela Dunn Barbara Mitchell Deborah Tutnauer
Alice Elliott Myron Monets Mike Cosmin Unguru
Julie Ellis Donna Moores Brian Vickery
Jonathan Emmen Robert Mora Lesley Vos
Karen Evans Tia Moreen Mia Voss
Paolo Fabrizio Helga Moreno Danish Wadhwa
Brian Fanzo Dorien Morin Simon Walker
Ashley Faulkes Raymond Morin Elysia Walton
Jamie FitzHenry Dante Munnis Irina Weber
Donald Fomby Nikol Murphy Lindsey Weiss
Diana Ford Matthew Murray Artem Welker
Dustin Ford Olga Mykhoparkina Christina White
Orla Forrest Avinash Nair Neil White
Patrick Foster Soumya Nair Daniel Wilson
Anna Fox Ian Naylor Evy Wilkins
Catherrine Garcia Daniel Ndukwu Aaron Wittersheim
Farid Gasim Kevin Nelson Meredith Wood
Maya Gaspar Michael Nelson Jennifer Xue
Andrew Gazdecki Daniel Newman Shubham Yadav
Kevin George Midori Nediger Reuben Yonatan
Michael Gerard Christopher Nichols Tony Zambito
Susan Gilbert Qhubekani Nyathi Brian Zeng
Al Gomez Kevin Ocasio David Zimmerman
Jericho Gonzales Anna Olinger Eleonora Zolotaryova
Bryan Goodwin Jennifer Olney

Thank You!

Thank you all! Stop by to say hello some time! And if you want to write again, you know how to contact us.

And if anyone reading this would like to contact us, please click here. Remember: we can’t read every email we receive, so make sure your subject stands out from the crowd!

A few other tips if you want to join the above list:

  • If your outreach email contains poor grammar and non-English usage, we can only presume your article will be worse. We’re strapped for time, and responding to such emails is a poor use of time
  • We’re obviously supporters of writers for whom English is a second language, so please be yourself when you contact us. Don’t adopt English sounding names.
  • We’ve seen all of the false flattery. Please be sincere.
  • Don’t promise original articles then propose subjects that have been written so often that we wouldn’t read them on somebody else’s blog!
  • Please read this article

We’re excited about what we’re working on for our 7th year.

Thank you from both of us for making it possible to have got this far!

Jan and Andy


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Top 100 #Socialmedia Global Influencer | CEO of Curatti, Publisher of #B2B #Content | Author/ Digital Marketing Strategist | http://appearoo.com/JanGordon