Introducing The UnitedHealthcare Self-Service Small Business Tool

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The UnitedHealthcare Self-Service Tool
In an age where the constraints upon our time continue to grow, simplification of process is ever more important. And that certainly doesn’t pertain only to our efforts towards making our sites alluring to potential customers, retaining eyeballs, turning views into prospects, and prospects into customers.
When running a business with employees, no matter how few, there are Human Resources issues – not the least of which is what you might offer them with regard to healthcare.
The easier that process is for you, and the more simple choices you provide for your employees, the better.
UnitedHealthcare has produced a simple self-serve tool that specifically caters to these concerns. It very easily allows employers to determine how much they are willing to contribute to the plans they offer, and then for the employees to equally easily make their own choices.
It is the first insurance carrier to offer an online shopping experience for small businesses. Currently the new website is available in 15 states with more being added throughout the next year.
Your Step-by-Step Guide
This unique interface allows users to access different plan options like never before in several ways:
- Plan comparison based on the number of employees and their location
- Customized quotes that include real pricing based on factors like age ranges and families
- The ability to purchase plans directly online, with step-by-step instructional videos as a guide
The new website allows employers to offer two or more plan choices with up to 27 options in some states.
Shopping for health insurance has never been easier and can be done in just three steps:
- Select a coverage start date with an overview of benefits for your employees
- Personalized quotes that include employee details and personalized insights
- Choose a budget that works for your business and your employees
Complete with ample screenshots, let us walk you through the sign up process.
Getting Started
The UnitedHealthcare website is quick and easy to get started. Just go to The home page that will greet you is shown above. Just click on “Get Started Now” to begin the process.
You will be prompted to enter your business zip code:
Disclaimer: This could be where your search ends, as UHC is unable to offer this tool to every zip code in the country. I tried my home zip in New Jersey with no luck. Moved onto one in California and that did work.
Next, simply enter the number of employees for your organization:
I selected 5 employees and saw this screen:
UnitedHealthcare provides a list of health plans that may fit your business and employees needs. Filter plans by cost and other options to focus on what matters most.
Now you get into the details….
Select Your Benefits
Employees’ health plan choices can be customized to fit their needs based on what you offer them, whether it be a high premium/low deductible, differing pharmacy coverage, etc. for maximum flexibility. Your employees will get to choose the plan that works best for them, at no additional cost to you. And there is certainly a wide range, from the lowest cost and highest deductible/out-of pocket…
…. to the highest cost and lowest deductible/out-of-pocket:
After you confirm your plan choices you can select a coverage start date (or continue with an unknown start date):
NOTE: Your employees will be offered optional low-cost Dental and Optical plans. Each is their choice and no additional cost to you.
Manage Your Employees
Next is the manage your employees section where you will fill out some basic employee information you can either calculate the costs or upload employee information from QuickBooks, an Excel spreadsheet or Xero.
UnitedHealthcare provides real-cost prices instead of an estimate. Once you can create an account you can save it to come back to later or continue through the process without an account.
Depending on the state your business is located in you will be provided options where you can set your budget/contribution per employee or based on an average percent contribution. Just use the slider you see above the MIN/MAX scale, to select how much your contribution.
Decide Your Employee Offering
UnitedHealthcare lets you know exactly what your costs are and what the range of costs are for your employees. There’s never any guesswork and you will know what to expect. Our simple software allows you to make changes and adjust your budget or contribution level.
Poor employee “e5” never quite makes it into my screenshots! What you can see though, is that the amount you chose to pay – in my simple example, $200 per employee – is taken as an average, and distributed amongst the employees based upon their dependents.
If everything looks good then click on confirm to be prompted to go through the checkout process:
I have to say, going through this process really was very simple. And you can certainly go through the above navigation for a trial run, in minutes. And perhaps best of all? For that quick run through, you don’t have to set up an account. Yes, you will be asked to do so part way through, But the company made what in my opinion, was the correct and very clever decision to not insist that you do so at any point, in order for you to be able to continue. I for one, would be tempted to stop right there, if I have to start giving details before I even know if this is right for me.
Time To Set Up Your Account
If you want to save your details at this point, you will have to set up an account. If you’re seriously considering UnitedHealthcare as an option, you’d probably be advised to do so rather than having to start the process again at a later date. No matter how simple and fast – and it really is both – it is still valuable time!
Remember, you can change your options at any time.
After creating an account, you can review your total benefits package. This includes the costs, plan choices and how your premiums break out for the employees and the employer.
The final step is easy – just submit the rest of your business and payment information and complete your purchase. If you have questions during the process, there are helpful links throughout the site so you are never left guessing on what to do next.
To check out the tool yourself, click on this link. It is a simple campaign tracker, just to show how many people clicked through from this article. We will not receive an affiliate commission.
Andy Capaloff
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