
Rebekah Radice

Social Media Etiquette: A Visual Guide

With the advent of technology, social media has become the order of the day. Businesses turn to social media for increased exposure while decreasing their bottom line. And when used effectively, it can allow for greater customer service and improved brand awareness. Unfortunately, it can also lead to mishaps and devastating mistakes with the push…

Jenn Herman

Live Streaming Videos: The Newest Social Media Trend

Chances are by now, you’ve heard of at least one or both of these new social media apps: Meerkat and Periscope. Both of these live streaming video apps have taken the world of social media by storm. It was all anyone was talking about recently at Social Media Marketing World. And I’ve seen blog post…

Randy Hilarski

Promoted Posts for Lightning Fast Exposure

Use Promoted Posts to Boost Traffic to Your Blog Posts

You Need Traffic to Your Post Fast Why Not Use Promoted Posts? You just wrote an amazing blog post. Do you sit back and just wait for the traffic to begin to roll in? Of course not, you use promoted posts. In this blog post I am going to teach you a few tricks to…

Jan Gordon

14 Tools To Transform Your Twitter Engagement

By Brian Fanzo Twitter, like all technology and social media platforms, has changed drastically over the last couple of years.  While the technology and platforms have changed, the impact and value gained have only increased.  The problem is a great social strategy and philosophy will only get Twitter users so far. The learning curve for…

Andrew Hutchinson

Social Media is Good for Business – Here’s Why

I was doing a talk recently on the correlations between Facebook likes and personality traits when someone put their hand up and said: ‘so what?’ What does this mean – what does it matter to the average business that Facebook likes can indicate a person’s personality? It got me thinking about how to better communicate…

Elysia Walton

Tweet Smarter To Make Your Brand Outstanding

To most people, Twitter comes in one of two forms. It is either a go-to news source and information highway, or simply a daunting, endless platform that spews out new information every millisecond. Please trust me when I say that it is important, even though it can be daunting. If you want to know just…

Jan Gordon

Followers: Quality Trumps Quantity. Here’s Why

By Mike Allton There’s a grand misconception among business owners and social media users that follower counts are extremely important. Too much talk and emphasis is placed on how so-and-so has one million followers. The reality is that after a point, none of that matters. It’s true that a new business Twitter account that has…

Ron Sela

Can We Really Share Visual Content on Multiple Networks

Visual content is expected to explode in the year 2015. From using visual images to promote a company’s products and services to posting visual content on a landing page, there are many ways and reasons to use visual content on a website. However, for those who are concerned about visual content’s overall place regarding social…

Paolo Fabrizio

Exceptional Social Customer Service is a Differentiator

Most companies have a multi-channel online presence, with their websites, blogs and social networks. But that’s not enough! In 2015 the online arena has become so crowded, that brands must have an effective online strategy to be successful. They have to be: Properly positioned –> SEO-optimized in order to reach your target audience. Noticed –> conveying a unique and…

Jennifer Hanford

Do You Need Video Marketing?

Can you believe YouTube is 10 years old already? It’s true. YouTube was officially launched on February 14th, 2005 by three former PayPal employees. As verified by Wikipedia, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim “activated the Internet domain name “” and started to create a video-sharing website on which users could upload, share, and view videos.”…

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