The Role Of Opt-in Popups In Viral Content

We all want our content to reach the largest possible audience – call it viral, if you wish. In this article, I will demonstrate how the use of opt-in popups to build a robust subscriber list, can help you achieve that goal. First: Have an extraordinary headline and informative content: Have you ever wondered why…
How to Make Valuable Content Out of Trending News

Why Use Trending News? Staying relevant, content-wise, on the Internet today is very important. Answering audience questions is a must and the bulk of your content has to be informative, unique, and niche related – otherwise, you will get sidestepped completely. But, however you spin it, there is only so much you can write in…
6 Great Content Proofreading Services & Tools

Social media content has changed the way the world communicates. It dominates conversations and connection, and is a quick and easy way to share information. However, you don’t want to rush to publish posts before properly proofreading and editing. This final step of the creation process can make or break your social media’s outreach results.…
The Rise Of Instant Social Customer Service Apps

Technology is like a Ferrari: everybody wants to have one but few would be able to drive it safely. As online conversational platforms are being developed faster and faster, what we still call Social Customer Service might have already become obsolete (!). In fact Social networks are just part of the online customer service basket that each…
How To Build A Large, Engaged Twitter Following

….Or, How I Grew My Twitter Following By 53% In 90 Days “If I told you that my global audience has shot up 100% in the last six months, what would you say? If you were to say, “So you went from one reader to two readers?” you’d be absolutely correct. And after I had…
Using Social Media Listening Enhances Business Conversations

Truth: everyone has opinions. We all possess a certain need for having conversations with others about those opinions. At the same time, we also hope that someone is listening and hearing about whatever is on our minds. Social media has become that open forum for many of us. And, as business owners, we can –…
How Do You Measure Social Media Impact?

Measuring your business’ social media impact is probably one of the most complicated aspects of online marketing, yet one of the most essential. The businesses that use social media often experience positive results with their online marketing efforts. Using social media as a way of making solid connections and developing relationships with their followers is…
14 Tools To Transform Your Twitter Engagement
By Brian Fanzo Twitter, like all technology and social media platforms, has changed drastically over the last couple of years. While the technology and platforms have changed, the impact and value gained have only increased. The problem is a great social strategy and philosophy will only get Twitter users so far. The learning curve for…
How To Use Canva To Create Your Own Infograph

By Mike Allton Have you ever tried to create an infograph? I’m sure you’ve seen many in the wild, amazingly and dynamically delivering statistics and information… and getting incredible amounts of social signals from an increasingly visual online landscape. But if you’re like me, lacking the ability to so much as draw a circle in…
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