
Ivan Temelkov

4 Ways to Beat Your Competition at Their Own Game

The digital marketplace is becoming a lot more saturated and competitive by the day. Every company that offers creative, design, development, or marketing services in general seems to have morphed into a digital entity. We are the height of the biggest digital and technology disruption in human history. Naturally every company wants to get a…

Scott Aughtmon

Finding Your “Who”: The Real Way to Get More Shares

“I’ve always wanted to be somebody, but I see now I should have been more specific.” – Lily Tomlin  Steve Rayson wrote something on that has really got me thinking about social media “shares.” His conclusion confirmed a lingering assumption I’ve had for a while. My assumption is: What if we have it all wrong? What if…

Ivan Temelkov

9 Essentials for Building a Dominant Digital Brand

The internet has forever changed humanity. It might just be the best thing since sliced bread. From a business perspective particularly, it has absolutely revolutionized the way brands do business. Over 67% of consumers are inclined to purchase a product or service on a mobile device. 1 out of 5 people in Africa use the internet…

Diana Beyer

How to Encourage Your Customers to Provide Real Feedback

“Tell us what you think.” In almost every transaction that you complete, you are asked in some way to give your feedback. This is because smart business owners know that gathering feedback from customers, analyzing it, and using that information to make improvements is the best way to ensure that customers are continually receiving the…

Kerry Creaswood

How To Really Get Noticed on Social Media

It can feel like you are in the old lost and found box back in school – you know – that stuff that was never claimed and just sat there forever. You’ve set up your profiles, you’re posting every day, and still no one is coming, even to look through the box. You’re beginning to…

Norman Arvidsson

What Should Your Social Media Marketing Budget Be?

Businessman Working Dashboard Strategy Research Concept

  The Internet, and social media in particular, has leveled the marketing playing field for small businesses. The “little guy” can have an active and well planned Facebook page right along with the likes of Coca-Cola and Geico’s Gecko. The little guy can Tweet all day long, and post great photos and quotes on Instagram,…

Luisa Brenton

6 Tips How to Use Instagram for eCommerce

Okay, so there are bigger networks out there than Instagram. The network has 400 million users while Facebook has four times that amount. Still, as Business Insider reports, that number hides some important realities. Instagram users are far younger on average than Facebook users and they view the network as far more important (32% say…

Ivan Temelkov

The Impact of Communication In Digital Marketing

Internal and external communication in the digital marketing realm seems to be a burden for a lot of businesses these days. This includes small business, mom and pop shops, and even corporations. At the C-level particularly, communication seems to be significantly more problematic. In most instances, poor communication is attributed to workflow ramifications. The interesting…

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