
Tony Zambito

Why Your B2B Buyer Insights Need An Overhaul

Buyer Insights

Turns out we may be guilty of using outdated buyer insights in out marketing. The implications of that are obviously huge.  In this article, Tony Zambito guides us through this particular aspect of Digital Marketing. This installment in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series is for the futurists. Not the simplest of reads,…

Ruchika Sharma

Your Complete Content Plan, Part 2: Content Creation

Content creation

In part one of  “Your Complete Content Plan”, we discussed Keyword Research. You can click here to view that piece and the accompanying infographic. Part two of of our 3-part series concentrates on Content Creation. For some people, the writing part is a piece of cake. Good for them! For many, it is anything but…

Jan Gordon

What B2B Marketers Need To Know About Millennials

By Michael Brito It was just a matter of time before millennials entered the workforce, got promoted up the ranks and started becoming influential in the B2B marketing space. Just last week, Google and Millward Brown released a study that evaluated the state of B2B marketing. Approximately 3,000 B2B researchers were surveyed about their research…

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