
Albert Qian

How to SMAC the Competition

B2B SMBs have seen a lot happen in their industry over the past decade. First, came the rise of social, then the invasion of mobile, followed by the arrival of cloud and ultimately the incorporation of analytics in all this. For major Fortune 500 companies, this has been a boon for innovation. Hardware companies like…

Susan Gilbert

How Would Your Customers Grade Your Business?

Are you getting the right responses from your customers? If the answer is no, maybe this is a good time to take a look at the conversions from your leads, and ask yourself, “How would my customers like to see me do better for them?” While building a list of subscribers is important, it is…

Albert Qian

The 2015 Social Media Prediction Nobody Has Covered Yet

With our New Year’s Day hangover now complete, social media and digital marketers are ready to begin the year. While business for most begins again Monday, social media marketers have been feverishly at work, recapping the past year and predicting what’s to come. Let’s take a look at what marketers – who shall remain unnamed,…

Albert Qian

Facebook’s Year…. Again

Curatti Social Media Recap #1 We’ve finally arrived at the final day of 2014, rapidly approaching the New Year celebrations. 2014 has been yet another banner year for social media, digital marketing, and the era of curation as the companies surrounding the trend make waves. In a 10 article series, we have been counting down…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Escape From Google – Diversify Your Internet Marketing

Escaple from Google on Curatti

Note: This post is a preview to my Digital Marketing For Business presentation this Wednesday May 8th at 10:00 in the Raleigh Convention Center. Escape From Google I’m not Snake Pilssken the character Kurt Russell played in John Carpenter’s famous end of the world movie Escape From New York.  Carpenter’s 1981 movie had the world…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Ouch! 3 Ways To Avoid the Coming Community Shock

How To Avoid Community SHock graphic on Curatti

Content Shock Becomes Community Shock Content Shock: Why Content Marketing Is Not A Sustainable Strategy is a highly influential post by Mark Schaefer. Mark outlines what every content marketer knows. We can’t ALL create an infinite amount of content and win. Attention is one of the few things that we can’t easily create more of.…

Greg Hickman

8 Surefire Tips To Help You Plan Your Mobile Strategy

We sent Greg Hickman of Mobile Mixed your questions regarding Mobile.  These are his answers.   Why is mobile more important now than ever for B2B? It really doesn’t matter if you’re B2B or B2C, mobile has impacted the way we as consumers communicate and do business. We all use our mobile devices for many…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Startup Trends 2014

Startups 2014 Trends on

Startup Trends in 2014 is a wide ocean of a topic (lol). Swimming around trying not be swept away I found a great macro trend report from Fjord. Fjord is owned by Accenture (so BIG) and they’ve taken a hip Forrester-like approach to the creation of an excellent and free annual trends report Before diving…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Internet Marketing 2014 Trends Mashup

2014 Internet Marketing Trends graphic via Curatti

Can marketing change more or faster? Most Internet marketers would answer a firm NO. The minute we offer a firm anything today’s pace makes yesterday’s feel slow. The web only knows one time – NOW. Internet marketing only operates at one speed – FASTER. Inside of those two firm truths this is enough play to…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Is Ecommerce Stuck In The Mud?

Is E-commerce Stuck In The Mud? After our first Holiday Ecommies Review of 30+ top online retailers (@Ecommies is a new ecommerce ratings, review and award site coming soon). It’s clear e-retailers are stuck in the mud. Holiday 2013 merchandising was flat, uninspired and not original or festive. and Williams-Sonoma created Holiday 2013 bright…

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