Invisible Giant: Why Its Hard To See the New SEO
Click GIANT to see fastest “views” Haiku Deck we’ve ever created. (8.6.14 Blowing Up Haiku Deck note added to bottom.) The New SEO’s Invisible Giant “You can’t get there from here anymore,” is what I should have said. Instead I wrote a long email explaining how SEO, content marketing, PPC (Pay Per Click) and community…
Crowdfunding Million Dollar Balloons, Majestic SEO & Curagami
A Kickstarter How To… Will Bag O Balloons Reach $1,000,000 in Kickstarter Support? I shared Ethan Mollick’s Dynamics of Crowdfunding Kickstarter study with Allison Phalen from the Charlotte based Command Partners tonight. Not much Mollick can teach Command Partners based on Bunch O Balloons. Bunch O Balloons is an ingenious idea. Fill up 100 water balloons…
Why Emotional Marketing Beats Promotion 2 TO 1
The following article is republished by permission of Michael Brenner I have always believed that B2B Marketing is personal. And that brands need to connect with buyers on a personal, emotional and human level. Now we have the research to prove it. We all have to thank the Corporate Executive Board (CEB) for bringing us one…
Who Are You? The Anonymity Of Internet
In recent days, Google has announced that they will drop their “real name” policy and allow users to use pseudo names on their platforms such as YouTube and Google+. “Over the years … we steadily opened up this policy … Today, we are taking the last step: there are no more restrictions on what name…
Is Your Content Living A Resume or Eulogy Life?
Watch Video Resume vs. Eulogy TV analyst and author David Brooks’ TED Talk on living Eulogy instead of Resume lives was so moving I wrote a post asking my friends on LinkedIn if they were living Eulogy lives. Today’s Curatti post asks a variation of David Brooks’ question, Is your CONTENT living a resume or…
How To Market Your Business in a Noisy World
This article is republished here by permission of Lee Traupel It’s a noisy world, your marketing resources and headcount are limited and in some case, you’re still defining who your customers are. How Marketing is being Redefined in Real Time 50% or more of your customer engagement will be on smartphones in next 12…
The State of Social Media: What B2B Marketers Need to Know (Summer 2014)
Welcome to Summer 2014. Amazingly we are now into the 7th month of the year and each quarter keeps on bringing in new social media changes. Let’s take a look at what’s new this last quarter and what matters: The Temporary Messaging War Heats Up In the last month Facebook has launched Slingshot, the competitor…
5 Great Movement Brands To Learn From
5 Movement Brands Movements gather scale and membership over time. Campaigns, offers and sales don’t scale. The “never ending sale” trains shoppers to wait and expect more discounts, deeper discounts and better discounts. Discounting is crying wolf. Cry wolf enough and there may be a wolf but no one cares. Care, passion, emotional engagement…
Red Bull, Media Companies & Curagami Scores
Red Bull Branding Lessons We Are All Media Companies Now is my most popular Curatti post by a long margin. I think that’s because it was easy to see the difference in the P&G Ad from the 1950s and Red Bull’s “follow our customers and brand them” approach: Flash forward to this video from Red…
Why Marketers Should Stop Expecting Their Content To Go Viral
The following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral ContenThe following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Expectations are a part of life. They play a critical role in relationships, life events, job performance, sports and yes, even…
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