The Top 10 Marketing Trends For 2017 [Infographic]

This article by an old friend of Curatti, Daniel Newman, takes a look at the marketing trends taking shape for 2017, and is a timely installment in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Marketing Trends 2017 Visibility is one aspect of marketing that won’t change—regardless of the year. Marketing before and after a…
The Ultimate List of Internet, eCommerce & Hosting Facts

Being successful in the world of online business is not impossible, but it’s not easy either. As with anything, the more informed you are, the bigger the chances of reaching your goals. It’s the same with online sales. except that the internet is an ever-changing environment that keeps reinventing and shifting current paradigms. Online sales…
8 Branding Facts And Statistics (Infographic)

As Jeff Bezos (CEO of Amazon) once said, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room”. Branding helps to connect with your customers emotionally, and in an increasingly overcrowded marketplace, branding represents an increasingly important element in successful businesses today. First impressions are crucial and it’s important to…
How to Curate Content Like a Pro [Infographic]

Curating content is one of the easiest strategies for brands to increase their following. Whether sharing other content on your social channels or curating articles on your blog, curation can help you supplement content while keeping your audience engaged. By combining content and relevant materials into one easy to digest resource (email, blog post, social…
The History & Future of Social Media Growth [Infographic]

Social media is something everyone reading this article is likely to take for granted. We could be forgiven for feeling as if it has been with us forever, that everyone is on it, and that it is as much a part of everyone’s life as it is ours. Quite the contrary though! The majority of…
How Much Does it Cost to Build an App? [Infographic]

It’s official, mobile is the way of the future. So, as a business owner, you really have two choices, jump on board, or sit on the sidewalk and wave as your competitors pass you by. The mobile app industry is expected to grow into a $77 billion dollar industry by the end of 2017. To…
10 Reasons Your Readers Aren’t Commenting On Your Blog

It can be extremely soul destroying putting your heart and soul into creating a fantastic post, and your readers aren’t commenting on your blog. In fact you get zero feedback, zilch, nothing, tumbleweed bounces across your screen. You soon start to doubt your prowess as a blogger. And understandably so, if you get so little recognition for…
Social Media Tips, Tools and Fun Facts [Infographic]

Every now and then, we like to make a slight departure from our usual posts. Today, we’re presenting an Infographic of Social Media Tips, Tools and Fun facts that was created by Jason Jackson of The obligatory best posting times are naturally included! It covers Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. The research and design…
14 Tricks You Can Try If You Want To Get More Blog Readers

You put all your heart and soul into writing posts on your blog, and yet it seems you get hardly any readers. This doesn’t seem fair. Especially when other blogs seems to produce (in your opinion) inferior posts and they seem to have thousands of readers. What is it that they’re doing right and you’re doing wrong?…
How To Adapt Your Blog To Make It More Reader Focused

How many blogs and posts have you read recently are reader focused enough to reflect the readers’ point of view? Blogging can be quite egotistical. It’s very easy to blurb on about yourself and forget who your readers are. And there are many bloggers who write purely for themselves as part of their therapy for whatever…
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