What Augmented Reality Means for Brands

Lately, a very addictive augmented reality mobile game has taken over our social media world — Pokémon Go. While this platform has surged to the top of the charts, we as business owners should pay attention to this new and growing trend. There are several different forms of this latest technology — and of course…
How Can Your Business Effectively Use Snapchat?

With so many social media platforms now playing an integral role in digital marketing, it can seem overwhelming as you try to figure out which ones will be best suited for your brand. And while not every business may be a perfect fit for Snapchat, this smartphone-based social media app has long surpassed the title…
Google Told You How to Rank. Did You Listen?

It’s rare that any company reveals its trade secrets. It’s especially rare for tech giant Google to do so. But in March, they did just that during an online Q&A session when Google search quality senior strategist Andrey Lipattsev listed the three most important factors they use to rank websites and web pages. Content and…
Validate Your Ideas Before Taking the Leap

One of the most exciting and frightening things in the business world is implementing new ideas. You can crunch numbers, consult experts and run simulations forever, but you can never be sure if new ideas are going to work in your business until you try them. So then, what if your latest brainstorm turns out to be…
8 Signs That Indicate Your Business Is Failing

The business marketplace has never been so competitive and saturated. During the last decade alone we have experienced the biggest shift in history. In a recent article for Curatti, I talked about the emotional era. I was quite blown away at the immense amount of inquiries received from different individuals. Many validated my perspective on…
Are You Ready For The Next Marketing Disruptions?

We now have 2 billion users of social media. And while some platforms continue to grow at an amazing pace, such as Instagram, others are slowing dying or are already almost dead for various reasons – Digg, Google+, and Delicious, to name a few. Marketing disruptions are hardly a new thing, but they are clearly…
How To Convey Purpose Through Brand Storytelling

Today’s consumers aren’t just passively buying from brands. They view their purchases as extensions of their identity and values. What this means for marketers is that effective marketing can’t just be about promoting a product for its sole use or benefits anymore. Successful marketing needs to be able to create a purpose, a community and…
Your Business Needs To Be Personal on Social

Today I sat down with a business owner that needed consultation on several of his assets. His Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and the rest, weren’t giving him the results that he wanted. After a half hour of scouring over his brand pages I came to the conclusion that, even though this man was very successful in…
Uberisation and the New Economy

First there was GAFA, Now there is NATU Over the last two years, we saw the four giants of the Web and social media (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) literally take control of the new economy. The weight of GAFA is now determinant on Wall Street, and their market capitalization exceeds those of major brands…
Predictions for Technology and Business in 2016

With 2015 now behind us, it’s time to look ahead to next year. There’s much to look to, including the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, the United States Presidential Election, and a host of Hollywood blockbuster superhero films. Technology will be a major participant in each. What those technologies will be is going to be…
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