Tweet Smarter To Make Your Brand Outstanding

To most people, Twitter comes in one of two forms. It is either a go-to news source and information highway, or simply a daunting, endless platform that spews out new information every millisecond. Please trust me when I say that it is important, even though it can be daunting. If you want to know just…
Why Emotional Marketing Beats Promotion 2 TO 1

The following article is republished by permission of Michael Brenner I have always believed that B2B Marketing is personal. And that brands need to connect with buyers on a personal, emotional and human level. Now we have the research to prove it. We all have to thank the Corporate Executive Board (CEB) for bringing us one…
5 Great Movement Brands To Learn From

5 Movement Brands Movements gather scale and membership over time. Campaigns, offers and sales don’t scale. The “never ending sale” trains shoppers to wait and expect more discounts, deeper discounts and better discounts. Discounting is crying wolf. Cry wolf enough and there may be a wolf but no one cares. Care, passion, emotional engagement…
Red Bull, Media Companies & Curagami Scores

Red Bull Branding Lessons We Are All Media Companies Now is my most popular Curatti post by a long margin. I think that’s because it was easy to see the difference in the P&G Ad from the 1950s and Red Bull’s “follow our customers and brand them” approach: Flash forward to this video from Red…
Red Bull Branding 2: Friends of Friends Marketing

Red Bull Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now discussed differences in marketing between P&G in the 1950’s and Red Bull in 2014. There are many differences. P&G’s brand marketing told parables and myths. Procter & Gamble used TV to align P&G’s brands with core values such as “good mother” and “take care of…
Customer Loyalty – 5 Ways SoLoMo Disrupts Loyalty

World Is Upside Down The world is upside down and SoLoMo is to blame. SoLoMo stands for Social, Local and Mobile and the combination of these power trends is leveling the karma of many traditional brands. This Curatti post examines 5 Ways SoLoMo disrupts customer loyalty for car makers and dealers. Least you think its…
Red Bull’s Branding Lessons: We Are All Media Companies Now

BANG Branding Changed Figuring out why branding changed is moot. Understanding HOW branding has changed is important. Brands used to create aspirations for customers as this 1958 Tide commercial demonstrates: Flash forward to this video from Red Bull TV: What happened? A: The web, Smart Phones, We Changed, Branding Changed. There isn’t ONE thing moving…
Millennials, You are Your Brand

“What do you believe in?”, a fellow networker asked me at The Art of Active Networking in San Francisco. Confused, I gazed ahead, nursing my alcoholic drink while wondering what he exactly meant. A lot of people at networking events liked asking me what I did for a living, but few cared what I believed…
5 Reasons You Don’t Need to Be on Every Social Network

What if I told you that you didn’t need to have your business on Facebook? Most companies would freak out over this. It’s understandable too, because Facebook has over a billion users and is one of the largest social networks out there. But like anything, just because there is a crowd rushing to adopt something,…
Before You Hire A Community Manager – Here’s a 7-Step Check LIst

Social media management has become impossible for today’s business owner to ignore. With case study after case study depicting the benefits of being “social” and building a “community” many companies now find themselves in a mad scramble to add a new employee to their payroll — the Community Manager. However, before you hire a Community…
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