14 Tricks You Can Try If You Want To Get More Blog Readers

You put all your heart and soul into writing posts on your blog, and yet it seems you get hardly any readers. This doesn’t seem fair. Especially when other blogs seems to produce (in your opinion) inferior posts and they seem to have thousands of readers. What is it that they’re doing right and you’re doing wrong?…
How Guest Blogging Can Be The Secret To Traffic Success

First, let’s define what guest blogging is in the context of this post. A guest post is high-quality, often original, content that your readers, or the readers of another site, find useful. All that to say it’s not a spammy, content farm method for getting links. So, when Google’s Matt Cutts wrote – “The decay and…
How To Adapt Your Blog To Make It More Reader Focused

How many blogs and posts have you read recently are reader focused enough to reflect the readers’ point of view? Blogging can be quite egotistical. It’s very easy to blurb on about yourself and forget who your readers are. And there are many bloggers who write purely for themselves as part of their therapy for whatever…
The Role Of Opt-in Popups In Viral Content

We all want our content to reach the largest possible audience – call it viral, if you wish. In this article, I will demonstrate how the use of opt-in popups to build a robust subscriber list, can help you achieve that goal. First: Have an extraordinary headline and informative content: Have you ever wondered why…
The New Age of Content Marketing Explained [Infographic]

In a departure from our normal resharing of great content from thought leaders, we have put together a little Infographic highlighting some of the key points of this one, by John Jantsch. You will find it at the bottom of the article. You should read this (and the original article) though. Lots of good stuff…
5 Ways Blogging Can Increase Your Business Sales

If you think blogging can’t work for your lead generation, you might want to reconsider this powerful tool as a way to build influence and provide free advertising for your business. A well focused content marketing strategy can bring more visitors to your website as well as build your social media following. The latest trends…
7 Clever Ways to Write a Killer First Paragraph

Starting off on the wrong foot can really turn off an audience. But a killer first paragraph can similarly make all the difference in keeping their attention up to the last word of your article. Boring methods like starting with a definition or sounding uncertain about your points, just don’t cut it anymore. Here’s how…
How To Create An Innovative Campaign For Your B2B Blog

Many people still think that a B2B business is not the place to create an innovative campaign. That the conversation and negotiation between two companies must always be formal, serious, and tedious. And this is because important decisions are being made and they usually mean large amount of money and risk taking. But the problem…
How allowing comments on your blog can attract more readers

Following on from a period when allowing comments on blogs was out of favour, it’s now time to reverse that trend and get commenting again! Yes, I know social media has taken over. But really is that a good thing? Don’t you find the quality of comments there can leave much to be desired? Many bloggers claim…
Improve Your Content Marketing Reach With Medium

Social media provides a great outlet for businesses and brands to connect with their audience and spread the word on their content. Now Medium has come along as a helpful complement to your blog where you can further grow your subscribers and followers online. Twitter co-founder, Evan Williams, began the publishing platform in 2012, which…
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