How A Blog Post Introduction Can Make Your Readers Stay

It’s all very well writing an awesome headline to successfully capture your reader. You now need to keep them on your blog to get them to read the rest of the post. Believe it or not, you have less than 3 seconds to make a good enough impression to get your readers to stay. Sometimes even less…
Curatti On Air: How The Power Of Commenting Benefits Bloggers

If you want to draw the right kind of attention to yourself in the blogosphere, the best way to go about it is to comment on other blogs. That’s why when I participated in this Curatti On Air Interview (see below) I was extremely keen to talk about commenting (as well as other aspects of blogging): In the…
Why You Should Use Bite-Sized Content To Capture Attention

In this article, Bryan Kramer talks of his fondness for “atomization”. Whereas this term is not typically used in conjunction with marketing, Bryan borrows it to describe producing bite-sized content from larger articles or reports. He describes why this captures the attention of those who may not read the longer form. It makes for interesting…
How An Awesome Headline Can Make a Big Difference to Your Post

The first thing your reader will probably read will be your post’s headline. But it won’t necessarily be on your blog. This is because the headline’s purpose is to act as a hook to draw your reader into your blog to read your post. And it can be found in a variety of different places. RSS delivers your post’s…
Curatti On Air – The Ana Hoffman Interview (Video)

Ana Hoffman’s path to marketing success was not a typical one. You will have to ask her why she moved from modeling into blogging. Once she made the switch, and with the usual trial and error, she became a leading traffic generation expert (expert is my word, not hers!). She happily borrows from the old…
Curatti Best Articles of 2016 – Part Two

Since our launch 3 years ago, Curatti has evolved into a crowd-sourced blog. Was this intended? Probably not! But it’s quite a journey, and one that we lightly guide , but ultimately go along with. In any given week, we will get several inquiries by potential new guest bloggers. There are also no shortage of…
Improve Your Customer Reach Through Target Market Research

Would you like to hone your customer reach strategies and find the most interested prospects for your business without a lot of guesswork? With a great target market research game plan, you can. You just need to find out who exactly your audience is and what matters to them the most. As you gain an…
Blogging SEO: The Truth, The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth

Over the past couple of weeks I have been asking my followers over on Twitter what SEO marketing tips they want to read and understand. Although I got quite varied responses, which I am working through, one thing stood out from the crowd. Many people still do not understand Blogging SEO. Now, anyone who is…
12 Essential Tools To Help Your Content Marketing Convert

When it comes to writing for social media, the toughest part is creating content that’s engaging enough to make people want to click, read and share. All of the components have got to be there – a great headline, quality content and valuable information that readers will want to pass along to others. Give your…
10 Reasons Your Readers Aren’t Commenting On Your Blog

It can be extremely soul destroying putting your heart and soul into creating a fantastic post, and your readers aren’t commenting on your blog. In fact you get zero feedback, zilch, nothing, tumbleweed bounces across your screen. You soon start to doubt your prowess as a blogger. And understandably so, if you get so little recognition for…
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