Content Marketing Tips for your eCommerce Blog

Is there such a thing as an eCommerce business that doesn’t have an additional online presence in forms of blogs and social media accounts. If there are any, they’re certainly a dying breed. Unfortunately, most of them do so simply because everybody else does – not because they have anything particular to say to their customers, current…
5 Editorial Guidelines Based Tips To Writing Better Content

As a content marketer, I have to read editorial guidelines literally every single day. I’ve read so many of them that sometimes I can predict the end of sentences. Some can argue that every blog has its particular requirements, but there are always some common things I find on every “write-for-us” page. The main points…
Networking: The Essential Antidote To Blogging Alone

Blogging Alone is Not the Way to Go Do you get up in the early morning hours to start your blog writing as your coffee is brewing? Your eyes are not yet quite open as you log into your WordPress panel. You look to see if any comments are there from overnight and there are none.…
How To Achieve Emotional Engagement With Your Content

I sat at my desk this morning and looked out the window. The deer were on the porch again. They love eating my wife’s flowers. Even though they have millions of other things to eat out in the woods by my house, they choose to come on MY porch and eat the tops off the…
How To Blog More and Keep Your Social Life

By Aaron Lee I write up to five blog posts every week. That may sound easy for some, but for me, it gets a little tough. You see, I have two jobs. I’m the Grand Master of Customer Delight at Post Planner and I run the daily operations of Leneys, a women’s apparel company that…
Surefire Tips for Business Blogging Success

Have you mapped out a blog writing plan for your business articles for the new year? Not sure if blogging can help improve your marketing? The good news is that it’s never too late to begin a blog or refresh an existing one. As we enter into a new season it’s more important than ever…