Why Culture Defines How Well You Tell Your Brand Story

By Michael Brenner One of the biggest issues we see in the brands who are struggling with content marketing, no – in the brands who are struggling with marketing overall – is culture. Marketing, at many B2B brands, emerged out of the sales team’s need for more leads. Marketing generally started in the field, hosting…
Amplify Your Messaging With a Less is More Strategy
By Lee Traupel I can’t believe the amount of content shared targeting small business that rhapsodizes about the endless rewards bigger brands are generating with social media marketing like Toms, SAP, Cisco, Intel, SalesForce, et al. Many of you do not have the marketing resources, staff and/or technical expertise to create and deploy this…
Why Your Content Lives or Dies in 10 Seconds
By Lee Traupel Content marketing is non-interruptive marketing that engages and informs a visitor. It’s gonna work or fall flat in about ten seconds like a great Sam Cooke song – you’re humming along or tuning it out. You have ten seconds to get the attention of your visitor. The usability maestro Jakob Nielsen’s Darwinian…
To Find Your Customers, Reverse Your Own Customer Journey

Marketers are Customers Too! We’re all so busy trying to figure out how to reach customers, we forget (except when we read otherwise?) that we too are customers! We buy a lot more than we sell! So in mapping the customer journey and trying to figure out how they might reach us, rather than trying…
8 Surefire Tips To Help You Plan Your Mobile Strategy

We sent Greg Hickman of Mobile Mixed your questions regarding Mobile. These are his answers. Why is mobile more important now than ever for B2B? It really doesn’t matter if you’re B2B or B2C, mobile has impacted the way we as consumers communicate and do business. We all use our mobile devices for many…
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