5 Ways to Reboot Your Brand’s Content Marketing Strategy

When you’re dealing with marketing and building your brand, you need to think big and stay current. There are new trends and updates you could adopt and it’s your task to keep your eyes wide open looking for ways to improve. Just like everything else, your content marketing strategy needs to keep up with the pace of the changes, which is why you need to keep it updated and efficient.
In addition, you cannot expect that a single idea lasts forever and serves as the guiding light for your brand’s progress. On the contrary, it needs a breath of fresh air after a certain period of time. To put it simply, If you feel that you haven’t evolved much since the day you started, or your ideas are outdated, you need to consider rebooting your brand’s content marketing strategy.
So, if it is time to reboot your brand’s content marketing strategy, take a look at the 5 ways to do it.
Source: Pixabay
1. Modernize Your Value Proposition
One of your main marketing goals should be to develop the ability to recognize your customers’ needs and find a way to meet them.
Your value proposition is your promise to the customer. It answers the question:
- Why should you hire us?
- How will we make your life better?
Think about your current value proposition and:
- recognize when the time for a change comes
- make smart new decisions instantly
A great example of a fresh, modernized value proposition is this one, written by Samsung, for their Galaxy Note9:
“Galaxy Note9 puts powerful technology in the hands of pioneers who demand more. Innovative features and design make it the only phone to keep up with the next generation of achievers.”
Small businesses, such as yours, need to identify their core values and emphasize what makes them:
- unique
- professional
- trustworthy
Put together, it will make an excellent, fresh value proposition.
2. Find New Channels of Content Distribution
“Innovation needs to be visible in all aspects of your content marketing strategy, including the platforms and channels you use to distribute your message,”
James Daily, Founder of Brainished blog.
No matter how small your company is, don’t hesitate in covering different channels of content distribution and publishing content on:
- a blog
- social media accounts
- e-mails
- guest posts
- a YouTube channel
In addition, think about the ways you publish your content and find upgrades to what you’ve previously been doing. Consider repurposing content, as detailed in this article by Ana Hoffman.
3. Incite Controversy
Controversy in marketing is about creating a buzz and going viral for the sake of getting back under the spotlights.
A controversial marketing campaign can bring you:
- attention
- popularity
- engagement
“Controversial marketing evokes both positive and negative comments, but it makes you the talk of the day. And that’s what marketing’s about”
Penny Ward, a digital marketing specialist at GetGoodGrade.com.
source: themost10
However, controversial writing shouldn’t be used as the main form of marketing – especially when it comes to small businesses. Overusing it would lead to severe damage to your brand’s reputation and the creation of negative connotation around it.
It’s best to use it as an occasional thing and not go to wild with it.
4. Turn “Green”
Sarah Pearson, a marketing specialist, and writer for Best Writers Canada explains:
“People like to identify their values to the values of the brand. It’s like making a statement: if you buy a brand that stands against child labor, you are against it as well.”
Turning green implies your brand is eco-friendly. Consequentially, the people who stand for the same values will be more likely to hire you and buy your services.
This is why the statement of “green” needs to be visible in your content marketing strategy as well.
A great example is IKEA’s People and Planet sustainability strategy.
But, how can you reboot your content marketing strategy by going green?
Make sure to cover topics related to:
- energy efficiency
- natural sources of energy
- riding bikes
- reducing the water footprint
You can even write about your employees and the ways you act green in the office – from turning off your laptops at the end of the day to using green cleaning products.
This type of green marketing will make your customers proud to be a part of your brand’s family. In addition, it will make you more popular among nature lovers and environmentalists from all over.
5. Publish Diverse, High-Quality Content
The starting point of a quality content marketing strategy lies in covering interesting, trending topics in a way which brings value to the readers. That implies writing professionally and accurately.
However, rebooting your strategy also implies creating diversity in the content you publish.
You can opt for creating and publishing:
- podcasts
- memes
- videos
- infographics
- how-to tutorials
“Your readers expect to be surprised over and over again. That’s why you need to stop being predictable and start experimenting with different forms of content publishing.”
Daniel Gilbert, marketing analyst for Top Australia Writers
Final Thoughts
Being able to adapt to changes and make the best use of them is a skill not many marketers have. When you’re building a content marketing strategy, you can’t think of it as a permanent deal or a long-term idea. Instead, think of it as a living thing, breathing and growing with the time it exists in. As the times change, so does your strategy.
Rebooting your content marketing strategy means adopting new ideas, modernizing your brand and using innovation to incite customer retention and acquisition. Be smart about it and you’ll never stop changing and growing.
Over To You
Keeping Content Marketing Strategy fresh is (or should be) a concern for every serious content marketer and blogger. Do you have any tips you’d like to add that you feel could benefit your fellow readers? Please leave a comment, below. Thanks!
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Natalie Andersen is an editorial writer and enthusiastic blogger. She believes that everyone’s life has to be the result of the choices they make, but a helping hand is always welcomed. You can connect with Natalie on LinkedIn here or follow/tweet her @getgoodgradecom.
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