The Importance Of Video Calls – Now More Than Ever

Last week, I asked people to ask and answer questions about how best to learn from home. An answer that works for classes based on interactive video calls is to turn your camera on.
You may also want to read: The Challenges Of Working and Learning From Home [Interactive Q&A]
This also works for business calls and webinars. And in these times of self-isolation, it can be very important for personal calls also.
We all need personal contact, and the difference between a simple phone call and actually seeing someone, cannot be minimized. As a relatively new grandpa – my grandson turns 2 this week – those calls let me enjoy seeing him grow and change, even when I can’t see him in person.
Do you have aging parents or grandparents who you can’t visit right now? If they’re not yet online, getting them onto WhatsApp, Facetime or Skype will help them through their isolation.
Video Calls for Business
This may not be appropriate for all calls but is the best substitute we currently have for pressing the flesh and in-person meetings. Certainly, if you have any sales calls scheduled, video works. You engage better when you can see people. Next time you say to a prospect “let’s get on a call”, ask them if they’d prefer a video call.
Webinars, Group Calls, and Interactive Classes
You know you check emails and your Twitter and/or Facebook and/or LinkedIn when you’re on these calls. You know that you learn more when you attend classes and events in person because you focus more.
When you turn your camera on, it’s the next best thing to being there. It focuses you. I was on a call with Adam Gray, Tim Hughes, and others. We’ve done it before. But on Monday, we all turned our cameras on. And we all agreed it was a great idea and we’ll do it again. We all got more from the call actually seeing each other. Try it!
I know that if you’re taking a recorded online class, this advice will not help you. But I encourage you to migrate to video calls whenever possible. You’ll pay more attention. You’ll learn and engage more. It will help your business. And your older relatives will love it!
We’re naturally social creatures, and video calls are more social. I hope video calls really catch on, and we stick to them once over the current crisis.
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Andy Capaloff
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