Curatti Best Articles of 2020 (And Happy New Year 2021!)

2020 is finally over! How long did it last? Until now, every year of our lives went faster than any before it. Not this one! Goodbye annus horribilis! You’ll never be forgotten! A Quick Summary of 2020 Life changed. The end! Our 2020 Authors This year, we published over 130 articles, some written by old…
The Post-COVID-19 World Will Be Full Of Innovation!

What percentage of the world is on lockdown right now? Well, that depends on when you’re reading this. We’re living through a time that will be taught in history classes for generations to come. Through adversity comes times of great growth. It’s no coincidence that the most exciting and relatively wealthy time that our world…
The Importance Of Video Calls – Now More Than Ever

Last week, I asked people to ask and answer questions about how best to learn from home. An answer that works for classes based on interactive video calls is to turn your camera on. You may also want to read: The Challenges Of Working and Learning From Home [Interactive Q&A] This also works for business…
7 Tips For Successful Digital Learning

New technologies have disrupted numerous ways we do things. The same applies to how we learn and acquire new skills. It’s no longer necessary to take up classes at your local college. Instead, you can opt for online courses. This allows you to learn at your own pace or pick the lecturers you want –…
How to Create an Online Course That People Will Buy

E-learning might seem like a massive business sector that has already hit its saturation point. But it is actually just getting started. Forecasts show that it is going to be a $325 billion industry by 2025. That would more than triple its 2015 value, when it hit $107 billion. March 2021 update: To show how…
Curatti Best Articles of 2019 (And Happy New Year 2020!)

The end of the decade is upon us (unless you are a pendant, lol!). How marketing in general and websites have evolved! Search is unrecognizable, but the evolution has been gradual enough that you could be forgiven for thinking it was always like this. Social Business went mainstream quite some time ago but has a…
5 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Online Courses to Increase Sales

The Unique E-Learning League is a league table of some of the most successful online courses created, most of which you’ve never come across. The table boasts courses on all subjects from how to take perfect selfies and defend against a zombie attack to becoming a tour guide in your hometown. These courses are not…
E-learning Trends to Watch Out for in 2018 [Infographic]

2017 brought many exciting and new trends with it. Some of these made a serious impact on how we will perceive e-learning in the future. What we’re currently facing is an online learning market making a shift towards those who use smartphone devices as their only method of accessing a particular e-learning platform. With that…
4 Simple Free SEO Study Resources For Content Marketers

Content marketing and SEO are very interrelated. Every marketer is aware of this truth, as well as the fact that if you know the basics of SEO, you can success. However, not everyone is ready (or able) to allocate time to study it. This article will hopefully stimulate you to drop all excuses and increase…