How To Identify A Low-Quality Hosting Provider – 21 Key Indicators

While over the years, website owners may be able to make an informed decision when it comes to selecting a web host, it might be a difficult chore for those just starting their online journey. Choosing the best web hosting provider for your business website can be a challenge – especially since there a numerous hosting service provider available on the market.
The need for such a large market of hosting providers is because there are currently over 1.24 billion websites in the world, according to these statistics by Hosting Facts.
Thus, with the growing number of internet users worldwide, it stands to reason that the need for web hosting would be huge. However, in spite of the large range of web hosting companies that are available, not all are able to provide top-notch services that deliver results.
A good web host is one of the basic foundations that will help accelerate your business growth. It offers you a stable and secure environment where you are assured that your website is protected from cyber crimes and other threats such as malware, viruses and spam. Likewise, a reliable web host can also help boost your site’s ranking and help improve traffic. Plus, it will provide you with the necessary technical support as your business grows.
For these reasons, it is important to make a well-informed decision when picking a web host. As such, here is an Infographic on how to identify a low-quality web host. It highlights the 21 key indicators that will help you steer away from a bad web host. These key indicators or warning signs will ensure that you pick the best web host that your budget permits.
Some Indicators of a Low-Quality Hosting Provider
This Infographic checklist is useful not only for newbie bloggers & businesses but also existing website owners. It can help them identify if they need to switch their website to another hosting service provider. To give you a glimpse, here are few hosting warning signs that you need to be aware of:
- Frequent unplanned downtime. This is the major sign of an incompetent web host.
- Lack of Backup Feature. Since hacking is a serious concern in the online world, backup/restore is a basic feature that is offered by all reliable web hosting providers.
- Unavailability of One-click Script Installer. This is important for the installation of various applications like WordPress, Joomla and others.
- Lack of Experienced Technical/Customer Support. The mark of a good company is the support they are able to provide their customers. If the support is bad, it is a clear indication that a web host is sub-standard.
- Lack of Essential Security Features. As mentioned above, one can’t take website security lightly as this would mean losing sensitive customer data in case of hacking. As such, if a web host doesn’t provide robust security tools like anti-virus, malware protection, spam and leech protection, it is not worth investing in.
Identifying A Low-Quality Hosting Provider – The Infographic
These were the few key indicators of a low-quality web host. To know more, check out the in-depth Infographic below.
Over To You
Have you had bad hosting experiences? Without calling out the companies by name, can you add to the indicators, above? Do you have any stories you’d like to share? Please tell us in the comments section, below. Thanks!
You may also want to read: The Ultimate List of Internet, eCommerce & Hosting Facts
Sudhir Bhushan is a Tech & Social enthusiast. He is also a Web Entrepreneur by Profession and loves to write about latest trends in Social Media & SEO. You can follow him on Twitter | Facebook | G+
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