Curatti Best Articles of 2014 – Part 1

As we approach the end of our first full year online, we wanted to pay homage to each of our authors by resharing one of their original articles from 2014, along with a brief curation of each. These are presented alphabetically, by first name, and split over 3 days.
(In each instance, you can click on the name in the top left of the articles, to see a list of all pieces by that author.)
While doing this, we also want to thank our loyal and growing readership for making this year bigger for us than we dared hope, and wish each of you a very happy Holiday Season.
Without further ado, here are the first 5:
Albert Qian
In “10 Things You Should Always Do on Social Media”, Albert Qian touches briefly upon what we should not do, including too many tweets and inviting friends to play online games, before telling what we actually need to do.
Planning, Focus, Measuring and Listening are among these. But there is also the more unusual and particularly wise advice to “Log Off”. Yes, for all of the work that is so necessary in order to build the brand that is you, battery recharging is perhaps the most important thing of all.
Andy Capaloff
In “The Marketer’s Cocktail: Blending Psychology with Big Data”, Andy Capaloff, who is a Big Data proponent and self confessed numbers geek, reminds us that sometimes, answers lie beyond Data. Sometimes, our eyes can tell us in minutes, what tools cannot tell us no matter how much work we put into them. And sometimes, answers are rooted in the most basic psychology.
For example, purely emotional campaigns are almost twice as effective as purely rational ones, and a sizable study showed pictures to be fully 8 times as effective in engaging, than text. Indeed, “whereas the Universe may be explained by mathematics, we Humans are somewhat simpler to figure out.”
Angela Dunn
In “Why You Should Curate Interests Not Just Specialties”, Angela Dunn highlights how shared interests are a far better reason to be drawn to someone online, than are their numbers of followers. Who shares what you share? Who finds the gem in your work to tweet, as opposed to simply tweeting the title?
Other stellar advice includes that you should engage deeply with those you place in your Google+ Circles and you must learn the language around your subjects of interest, including of course, the hashtags. Want more? This is actually the second of a 2-part series, so be sure to follow the link to part 1!
Bryan Goodwin
In Why Podcasting is Important for Your Business, Bryan Goodwin delves into the rapid evolution of Podcasts, from poor quality recordings of “geeks hanging out in the basement talking about Star Wars”, to very high quality recordings of an ever more popular medium, and a thriving industry.
Podcasting is a deeply personal media in which a listener ‘visits with’ the podcaster of their choice. As of September 2014, there were 13 million Podcast listeners. The advent of native Podcast apps via iOS 8 was expected to increase this number. The medium may still be relatively new, but the growing number of articles around Podcasts since Bryan’s initial Curatti post, show that it is rapidly becoming a major force in marketing.
Dorien Morin
In Original vs. Curated Content. Does the 80/20 Rule Still Stand?, Dorien Morin looks at the previously accepted wisdom of the rule that 80% of content on any blog should be curated, and 20% created. Dorien used to follow this rule but herself, but delves into how this indeed may not work.
She presents 3 case studies showing different businesses and varying budgets, showing why their current curated v created mix could and perhaps should be changed. She concludes the article by stating that “Deciding how much to create and how much to share is really a function of your budget, your time and your current online community”, having already reached the conclusion that one size does not fit all.
Previously unused images: Copyright: ‘‘ / 123RF Stock Photo
Jan Gordon
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