Gaining a Competitive Edge With Machine Learning

Can machines think and act as humans can do? If this question fascinates you, this article is a good read for you. By now, most companies understand the value of machine learning in data processing. Those that have the means are already investing in technologies fueled by artificial intelligence. In this post, you will become…
How Integrating AI Into B2B Marketing Can Scale Your Business

The merger of artificial intelligence (AI) and B2B marketing isn’t something that’s just around the corner. It’s already here. It’s revolutionizing the course of businesses willing to take the leap and use AI to their advantage. With the right marketing strategy, you can scale your business like never before. But of course, you already know…
Sentiment Analysis Tools That Will Transform The Way You Work

“If you don’t appreciate your customers, someone else will.” – Jason Langella There are quite a few tools on the market that you can try; thousands, in fact. When you’re looking through them it is easy to feel overwhelmed. You’re left wondering which one should use, and which tool or tools are actually going to…
How Machine Learning Can Improve Email Marketing

Despite the many obituaries, email is still a powerful marketing tool. People and businesses sent more than 281 billion emails per day in 2018, and that number is expected to increase to more than 333 billion by 2022. Today though, email marketing is getting a modern makeover. A growing number of marketers are using machine…
AI: Some Tips On How To Use It in Digital Marketing

Being a huge Sci-Fi fan, I always knew AI would be something I would naturally gravitate towards, once it could feasibly be applied in digital marketing. I still remember the first conversation I had with my then-boss, about adding a chatbot to the company homepage. He was outraged, to say the least, and I distinctly…
6 Ways AI Can Spark Immediate And Scalable Progress Through Blockchain

Artificial Intelligence, or AI as it is usually called, is often regarded as a 21st century miracle. Who could’ve visualized machines functioning automatically with minimal intervention of humans? Thanks to AI, we no longer have to attend to every task or duty by ourselves as machines can now be programmed to do so. There are…
From Alexa to Podcasts: The Power of Voice in Modern Marketing

Voice marketing, in general, is nothing new. Thanks to radio and television broadcasts, it has existed — in one form or another — for close to a century. But the format is evolving rapidly thanks to the emergence of new, modern technologies. Smart speakers and voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have irrevocably…
16 Facebook, Twitter, AI and Business Marketing Tools

The following is made up of 4 “Monday Tips” articles, each of which talks about 4 helpful tools and resources around a specific area of your business. Today, the subjects are: Improving your Facebook Page Better business management Artificial Intelligence Tools Marketing management for Twitter Use These Facebook Apps To Help Grow Your Page 1)…
7 Trends That Will Transform Online Business In The Future

With the unleashing of emerging cutting-edge technologies, almost every aspect of our society will see a transformation. New technologies will have a huge impact on the way online business will be carried out in 2018 and beyond. Modern technological systems such as ERP and CRM are highly capable of boosting productivity and reducing costs by…
3 Ways Marketers Can Use Social AI For Lead Generation

Artificial Intelligence’s impact on marketing continues to gain speed. In this article, Shelly Kramer looks at the early steps of Social AI and how it can boost Lead Generation. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Social AI For Lead Generation Marketers use social in a variety of ways, from searching for social…
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