How to Build a Booming Authority in 7 Steps

No one would have been interested in following Brian Dean on Twitter or subscribing to his weekly newsletter programs if he wouldn’t have put massive value in his posts and inside stories.
When Neil Patel mentions,
The ability of analysing issues and solving real time problems make him the leader And that’s where Authority comes in.
How To Build Authority
As a blogger, credibility is the most important thing to have, and building it is the best investment a blogger will ever make.
If you learned anything from the methodology of ‘From Planning to Earning’, you will realise that authority is a key factor to making money blogging.
It also has a lot to do with building your blogging community, which is even more important than making money. So how can you build authority and achieve these two great feats?
1. The Obvious: Write Great Content
The truth is, you alone can’t build your powerhouse. You need support from others. As a matter of fact, they are the driving force towards you becoming an authority blogger. Writing great content is one of the best ways to draw people’s attention to your blog.
Don’t misunderstand this: Brian kept power referral words from Neil and John Jantsch on Home Page of his blog.
It is crucial to give your best when writing for your blog (and other blogs) because your content is a reflection of who you are. Your high quality articles are going to go viral. The more the word spreads about your posts and your blog, the more people will know about you and the more people will help contribute to your blog.
2. Don’t Just Talk, Talk Value
One blooper many writers do is they just talk out their time. What matters most is not whether you update your blog or not, but the impact your blog has on others.
Research is a key element to building your supremacy as a blogger. If you take a look at most of the top bloggers in your niche, you will discover that people take them for what they say and a lot of people will readily believe anything these bloggers publish.
It is very important to research effectively before writing anything on your blog because a lot of your readers will take your word for it and if they discover what you said was not correct, you may pay dearly for it.
People hate to be deceived, they love to have the best and the most accurate information given right to them. As an expert blogger, they look up to you to give them this. Never let their belief in you sway you to be anything less than totally honest.
3. Be a Professional
Work on other important aspects of your blog; blog design, logo, eBook cover designs, and UX. According to Noam Alloush, founder of SITE123, “I think that the UX trend will still be the mobile. Most of the desktop websites will look like an app.”, as mentioned in the Forbes article. People love you being professional and the more professional you are, the more respect you will earn. This way people will tend to stick with your blog and they will also love to promote your work.
Most people who are new to the web can hardly differentiate between someone with a big audience and someone with a small audience. They believe having a great design and a great professional attitude means you are doing something right.
Another way you can look professionalism is in your content. Many people fail to proofread their work and leave their posts filled with a lot of typos and grammatical errors. This will not attract the right type of people to your blog and it will also cause a lot of people to see you as someone who is not serious.
4. Influence Others
One of the added characteristics of successful bloggers is that they are people of influence. If you see a lot of new bloggers they will tell you they were influenced by “so and so” blogger.
It is very important to try your best to influence everybody who comes across your work in the blogosphere. A guest post can score you some backlinks and do some wonders on your traffic.
But a reader you influence will keep talking about you as long as he/she is blogging. Do your best to influence as many people as you can!
5. Speak With Power & Authority
Another great way to turn you into a big shot is by speaking with power and authority on your blog. You don’t need to be speaking subjectively on your blog, but speak like you know exactly what you’re talking about.
One thing many bloggers do is speaking subjectively on their blogs, which will not help you. It will only reduce your perceived value.
Try to speak with authority and boldness on your blog. In any post you write, that persona will make your readers take you for someone who knows what he/she is saying and they will be able to cite and quote you outside your blog thereby helping you build your authority.
6. Build On Your Strengths
Keep building on your strengths. There are various types of authority and respected bloggers and one thing I notice about them is that they have built on their strengths.
If you take a look at Darren Rowse and Seth Godin, you will notice they update their blogs everyday mostly with short posts. And they remain highly respected.
If you take a look at Glen Allsopp, you will notice he only updates when he likes with super long and high quality posts, and he is also beloved.
What matters most is not taking the methods of others, but finding out what works best for you.
7. Network With Influencers
Who are the top bloggers in your niche? Why not network with them and use their influence to take your blog to the next level?
One thing I have noticed among many new bloggers who quickly became successful is that they networked with the influencers in their niche.
If you initiate networking with the big bloggers like Darren Rowse, John Chow and other major names, you will begin to notice that a lot of their readers and people who see your work with them will begin to respect you and give more value to you.
There are several ways to network with the top bloggers in your niche and one of the best ways to do this is by writing guest posts for their blogs. This will increase your perceived value and authority and will also help skyrocket your blog to the next level.
Over To You
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