Curatti Best Articles of 2015 – Part 1
As 2015 draws to an end, all of us at Curatti would like to offer a big thank you to all of our readers and advocates. More than anyone, however, we’d like to thank our great writers, who make this site what it is. Happy New Year to all! Here is Part One of a…
Recapping 2015: The Year in Technology, Business, and Media
With the New Year just about upon us, this is a time as good as any to review the past year. It’s also worth noting that with the turning of the calendar, we’ll be in the second half of the second decade of the 21st century. Without a doubt, time and technology are turning faster…
How Influencer Marketing Boost Your Business
Word of mouth recommendations can dramatically increase a business’s bottom line and website conversions. This is also a great way to reduce your advertising and paid search costs. Influencer marketing helps connect your business with your community because they perceive you as a trusted resource. Since 2004 there has been a dramatic increase with powerful…
Social Media Has Become a Customer Service Tool
At this the time of the year we usually read lots of predictions about digital, social and customer service trends for the forthcoming year. To tell you the truth I prefer to read others’ opinions throughout the year in order to build my own view day by day. That’s why today I’m going to share…
The Importance Of Content In Modern Marketing
Brands today simply don’t have the luxury of sitting back and hoping that their brand identity will be enough to bring customers their way. Not only is transparency increasingly important in the modern world of marketing, but consumers today demand increased interaction – if your brand isn’t able to deliver this type of interaction and…
Bloggers: The New Influencers of tomorrow
More than ever, content marketing, and blogs in particular, are at the center of issues. It is estimated that there are currently about 200 million blog sites, and there are about 1.25 million new blog posts published daily. Due to this, the importance of standing out and asserting leadership amidst the clutter is crucial, and…
How Does Klout Measure Your Business’s Score?
Online influence is a growing factor when it comes to attracting new customers and connecting with the right influencers in your niche. Thankfully there are tools online that help build an authentic brand image and provide public data on a user’s credibility and impact. One such service, Klout, now owned by Lithium Technologies since 2014,…
5 Ways to Leverage Twitter in a Post-Twitter World
Social media has become an inseparable part of our lives. We share our stories and photos, eager to get likes and shares. Today, social media is one of the most important components of a digital marketing strategy for any organization or brand. Few would argue with this. However, in recent months, some marketers would say that Twitter…
How Brands Have Successfully Used Quizzes In Their Marketing
Content marketing has steadily become the most important trend in 2015. For marketers, that’s a clear indication that higher quality content can make a difference in any marketing strategy. The only problem is, how do we as marketers find the time to sift through the extensive options of content available? What piece of interactive content…
How and Why Content Marketers Should Use Serialization
The Lesson Content Marketers Need to Learn from Charles Dickens I was watching a show on Netflix a few nights ago that has become a new favorite of mine. It’s called Monumental Mysteries and it’s from the Travel Channel. I love how they tell little-known stories from history with suspense and intrigue. The particular episode that I…
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