The New Ecommerce: Current Best Practices

From Tomorrow’s Ecommerce: Designing Tomorrow’s Ecom Website Today Haiku Deck The Haiku Deck above is about the New Ecommerce. We’ve written (or are writing) three blog posts to support trends we see in the new ecommerce including: I: Current Ecommerce Best Practices (you are reading this :). II: Rise of the Social & Mobile Web…
Can Subscriptions Smite The SEO Giant?

Invisible Giant BLOWS UP Last week’s Curatti post The Invisible Giant: Why the New SEO Is So Hard To See blew up on and off Curatti. With over 200 social shares (“flares) on Curatti and support from great friends such as Mark Traphagen, Phil Buckley, Jan Gordon, Andy Capaloff along with a group of great…
Invisible Giant: Why Its Hard To See the New SEO

Click GIANT to see fastest “views” Haiku Deck we’ve ever created. (8.6.14 Blowing Up Haiku Deck note added to bottom.) The New SEO’s Invisible Giant “You can’t get there from here anymore,” is what I should have said. Instead I wrote a long email explaining how SEO, content marketing, PPC (Pay Per Click) and community…
Crowdfunding Million Dollar Balloons, Majestic SEO & Curagami

A Kickstarter How To… Will Bag O Balloons Reach $1,000,000 in Kickstarter Support? I shared Ethan Mollick’s Dynamics of Crowdfunding Kickstarter study with Allison Phalen from the Charlotte based Command Partners tonight. Not much Mollick can teach Command Partners based on Bunch O Balloons. Bunch O Balloons is an ingenious idea. Fill up 100 water balloons…
Is Your Content Living A Resume or Eulogy Life?

Watch Video Resume vs. Eulogy TV analyst and author David Brooks’ TED Talk on living Eulogy instead of Resume lives was so moving I wrote a post asking my friends on LinkedIn if they were living Eulogy lives. Today’s Curatti post asks a variation of David Brooks’ question, Is your CONTENT living a resume or…
5 Great Movement Brands To Learn From

5 Movement Brands Movements gather scale and membership over time. Campaigns, offers and sales don’t scale. The “never ending sale” trains shoppers to wait and expect more discounts, deeper discounts and better discounts. Discounting is crying wolf. Cry wolf enough and there may be a wolf but no one cares. Care, passion, emotional engagement…
Red Bull, Media Companies & Curagami Scores

Red Bull Branding Lessons We Are All Media Companies Now is my most popular Curatti post by a long margin. I think that’s because it was easy to see the difference in the P&G Ad from the 1950s and Red Bull’s “follow our customers and brand them” approach: Flash forward to this video from Red…
Stop Solipsistic Marketing II – 10 Tips

What’s Your Curagami Score? Our Startup Factory funded startup Curagami is developing a new cool metric – a Curagami Score. Knowing a website’s Curagami Score helps digital marketing teams know if their marketing is talking to themselves about themselves or winning hearts, minds and loyalty online.    We thought it would be fun to share 5…
Good, Better, Best – Why Information Parity Helps Sales

Does Your Site Create Information Disparity? One of the most important CSFs (Critical Success Factors) we’ve discovered working on our Triangle Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami is how crippling information disparity can be for online merchants and B2B content marketers. Visitors arrive on a website with expectations. Meet those expectations and your chances to…
Hero Marketing – The Only Marketing Left

Stumbling On Hero Marketing on Martin’s Ride My career is over I remember thinking. Hearing “cancer” and my name in the same sentence made me a little crazy. As context roled in like a tide new perspectives emerged. Career as a concept fell apart. Heck, CONTROL as a concept is trashed. Many of life’s cherished…
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