To Find Your Customers, Reverse Your Own Customer Journey
Marketers are Customers Too! We’re all so busy trying to figure out how to reach customers, we forget (except when we read otherwise?) that we too are customers! We buy a lot more than we sell! So in mapping the customer journey and trying to figure out how they might reach us, rather than trying…
The Burning Question: How Can Our Audience Find Us?
The adage that perception is 9/10th of reality is becoming ever more true in the online world. With Facebook giving their reasons for the decline in organic reach and saying that the fraction of the potential news feed that they show us, is what is relevant to us, the question must be asked as to…
How Do You Get Readers To Engage And Why Everyone Should
There are plenty of posts that purport to give the secrets of getting reader engagement with your content, not a small number of which themselves have few shares and no comments. Similarly, we’ve all seen plenty of dynamite blog posts, perhaps with a large number of shares, but with little to no engagement Engagement: The…
Is Crowdsourcing The Cure For Your Ever Shrinking Day?
How Busy Are You? You’re busy. You’re really, really busy! You don’t need me or anyone else to remind you of just how busy you are. You may just recognize aspects of your day/your life in this Infographic. Longer days, less sleep, less vacations. You know it isn’t good for you! This article from Inc.…
The Power of Emotions, B2B Marketing And Your Business
Storytelling provides the emotional aspect to B2B marketing that stands one company apart from another. My article for this week pulls a nugget or two from several, perhaps not obviously linked articles, hopefully paving a path from one to the other where it may not be so obvious reading each article individually. The New Buyer…
Big Data + Bad Analysis = Big Bust
Big Data, Big Hype? In the article ‘Big Data, Big Hype?’, for Wired Magazine, Stephen Dodson of Prelert lists several articles that question Big Data, including: “Big Data: Are We Making A Big Mistake?” (Financial Times, March 28, 2014) “Eight (No Nine!) Problems With Big Data” (The New York Times, April 6, 2014) “Growing Doubts…
Why Big Data Needs Big Collaboration
Yesterday’s Wisdom Applies As Much As Ever Today “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created” Albert Einstein “Judge a man by his Questions rather than his Answers” Voltaire Data, Analysis and Questions The dictionary definitions of Data, Analysis and Questions show the clearest of synergies. Indeed, the first…
The Power of Question Circles and Why You Need Them [Infographic]
What is a Question Circle? In an age where so many new businesses flood each new niche to an extent far greater than the market can possibly sustain, it is more important than ever to stand out from the crowd in a unique manner. I believe Question Circles provide one such means of achieving distinctiveness.…
Why You Need to Question the Answers
Whereas the title of this post is borrowed unashamedly from a superb Mighty Mighty Bosstones album, the concept came from Greg Satelli (Digital Tonto) in his thought provoking 2010 post, The Stupidity Of Crowds. He was talking about how the greatest success is for those who buck trends as opposed to following them. How true…
The World Outside Of Our Bubble [Infographic]
This is a light-hearted follow-up to my article, How Do We Find Our Way Out Of The Content Echo Chamber? This time, the simple goal is to get you to think about who ’everybody’ is, as in, the everybody who knows almost everything about almost everything that we content writers purvey. Did you know that…
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