7 Psychology Facts That All Social Media Marketers Should Know
![Social Media Marketing Psychology Facts](https://curatti.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Social-Media-Marketing-Psychology-Facts-1000x500.jpg)
Marketing is all about psychology.
You want to influence the mindset of a potential client, so you’ll affect their buying decision. You observe their likes and preference, so you can craft a product or service that appeals to them. Then, you want to convince them to spend money on that product or service. To do that, whether you realize it or not, you rely on psychology tricks.
Of course; it’s better when you realize it. When you know exactly what you’re doing, the effects of your marketing campaign will be much better.
That’s why it’s important for all social media marketers to be aware of the way the psychology of their target client works. Are you interested in some marketing psychology facts? Here they come:
1. Color Has a Big Impact
Have you ever wondered why red is the color of Coca-Cola, Netflix, H&M, and other popular brands? This color is risky since it can trigger negative emotions, but it’s also very powerful at triggering positive emotions. It creates a sense of urgency, which is why you’ll often see it in discount banners.
Although the research in this area is incomplete and the way we perceive color still depends on our personal preference, the fact that colors matter in a marketing campaign is indisputable. A study called “Exciting red and competent blue: the importance of color in marketing” shows that color influences a person’s familiarity with a brand.
So maybe blue won’t make your brand seem “competent” out of the blue. But if you stay consistent with such a color scheme, it will be easier for you to build awareness.
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2. People Like to Share
Someone may share a funny meme because they want their friends to perceive them as funny. Another social media user will share highly intellectual articles because they want to look smart. Almost everyone will share detailed articles related to their profession or focus of studies.
We come down to the conclusion that people want to look fun, well-informed, and well-educated. They want to create such an image for themselves through the content they share on social media.
So how do you use this fact to your advantage?
An assignment writing service, for example, will focus on developing how-to content that teaches students how to write academic papers. A company that offers marketing services to other companies will deliver highly informative content full of percentages, numbers, statistics, and other kinds of facts.
It depends on your target audience. What kind of business are you focused on? What’s the vibe of your industry? Depending on the preferences of your audience, you should craft content that they are most likely to share.
3. It’s People Connecting With People; Not Companies Connecting With Companies
For B2B brands, it’s difficult to develop a bond with their audience. You’re targeting companies, after all, and these are structures; not real persons. If you think that, you’re wrong!
It’s people connecting with people, after all.
The ones who are making the purchasing decision act like any buyer would. They like seeing faces, and they want the human touch. That’s why you should always base your social media presence on a human touch. Your email campaign, your customer support team, and your content should address people; not brands.
4. The Frequency Illusion Is a Real Thing
“Is Facebook spying on me?”
This is a common fear among Facebook users. They have a conversation with their partner about getting a pool in the backyard, and suddenly they start seeing ads about pools all over the place. No; it’s not likely that Facebook spies on people. It’s more likely that one of the participants in the conversation checked out some pools on Google, and now they see targeted ads.
Targeted ads work because of the so-called “frequency illusion.” Soon after something is first brought to our attention, we tend to see indications of it everywhere around. When couples decide to have a baby, they start seeing moms with strollers everywhere they turn. It’s not that the strollers didn’t exist before. It’s just that now they attract attention.
So what does this mean in terms of marketing? When someone notices your brand, you want them to see more of it. That’s how your potential users get convinced to get more informed and eventually make the deal. You’ll achieve that through Facebook advertising.
5. The Paradox of Choice Is Also a Real Thing
Buyers love choices. When they can choose between several purchases, they believe they are choosing to invest their money in the option that returns the most value. But when there are too many options to choose from, people only get confused.
That’s the so-called paradox of choice. Rather than liberation, too much choice causes some people to have a mental block.
How can a marketer target this problem?
When you’re about to suggest a product or service to a client, you must tailor it to their preferences. You need to make this choice easier for them. Instead of offering several options, you can offer two of them – with a recommendation of the one that best suits their needs. Instead of offering a full list of services to a client, just ask them what they need and make a really relevant and targeted offer.
6. Buyers Want Experience
Experiential marketing is a huge trend. Do you know why? Because it works!
Your marketing efforts are aimed at a single goal: you want to build a loyal customer base. That’s why you pay attention to the colors, images, website design, and content you publish. That’s why you have your team present on social media, communicating with the target audience.
Buyers, however, want interaction. Experiential marketing, also known as engagement marketing, directly engages the audience. It encourages them to take part in the development of the marketing campaign or the product itself. Needless to say, you’ll take this experience to social media so that it will help your company gain exposure.
Docker, a software platform that enables developers to create apps, turned a demo into a game. They brought 5,000 people to a conference. But these weren’t simply conference attendees; they took part in a live multi-player video game. They collaborated to develop an enterprise app together.
7. Buyers Need Social Proof
People are drawn towards brands with good reputations. If they see influencers wearing a particular brand of swimsuits, they want it. Since people make decisions about brands, the “social proofing” tendency is still there.
What does this mean in terms of marketing? You need testimonials! Get plenty of them and feature the best ones not only at your website but on social media, too. It’s no wonder that services such as Trello list the companies that use them. It’s all about social proofing.
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You’re Not Just a Marketer; You’re a Psychologist, Too
You have to know how your target audience thinks. And you can leverage that to make them think well of your brand. That’s possible through the above psychological tricks. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy for you to include them in your marketing campaign.
Your Turn
Do you have any favorite psychology hacks not mentioned above? Or any success stories with any of the methods discussed? Please tell us about them in the comments section, below. Thanks!
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Barbara Mitchell is an experienced writer with a unique understanding of the world and vast experience in media marketing which she funnels into writing inspiring and useful stories. Barbara believes that everyone can reach their potential by making things more simple. You can follow on her Twitter @Barbara_mtch
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