
Ben Alfrey

How B2B Buyers Have Been Forced To Evolve [Infographic]

How B2B Buyers Have Been Forced To Evolve

You’re probably reading this sentence on your smartphone – possibly on a morning commute or enjoying your lunch break. One day, you put down the newspaper and decided that you’d consume the bulk of your information through this handheld item. Unsurprisingly, you weren’t the only one to do this. As technology continues to impact our…

Barbara Mitchell

7 Psychology Facts That All Social Media Marketers Should Know

Social Media Marketing Psychology Facts

Marketing is all about psychology. You want to influence the mindset of a potential client, so you’ll affect their buying decision. You observe their likes and preference, so you can craft a product or service that appeals to them. Then, you want to convince them to spend money on that product or service. To do…