5 Reliable Tips to Turn Your Online Store into a Lead Generation Engine

Experts do not always agree on lead generation strategies. Indeed, online marketing undergoes trends like all other branches of marketing.
Every online store manager must create an identity through marketing if s/he wants to stand out from the competition
Every website needs to be optimized for lead generation. However, it’s not enough just to add a “Click Here” button to your homepage and wait for lead generation to be done on its own.
The eCommerce development company or Magento development must take a more strategic approach that can help marketing teams.
How to Generate Leads With Your Website?
The lead generation process typically begins when a visitor to a website clicks on a call-to-action (CTA) placed on one of the site’s pages or in a blog post.
The CTA takes him to a landing page that includes a form used to collect information about this visitor. As soon as he has completed and sent the form, he lands on a thank you page.
Here are five reliable tips for transforming and optimizing your online store into a lead generation engine.
1. Make an Inventory
First and foremost, it’s important to know the current state of your lead generation process, so you can measure your success and determine which steps need to be improved.
For this purpose, you can use tools such as Website Grader, which assess your sources of lead generation and then provides tips and suggestions on ways to improve your existing content.
You can also compare landing pages that offer the best conversion rate from visitor to lead, with those that do not offer as good results. And you can also build internal reports.
By evaluating the number of visits to landing pages, call-to-action clicks, and thanks page views, you’ll be able to determine which offers get the best performance and create more on the same model.
2. Optimize Each Step of the Conversion Path
One click, a fraction of a second that engages your target.
One click, one, and you have already passed one of the first conversion steps.
That little CTA button is a simple but tremendously effective image whose purpose is crystal clear: to click its target so that it goes further in its reflection!
In contrast to a classic link, the CTA aims to attract the reader’s eyes and arouse curiosity.
This is the first strategic element of lead generation because it gives your reader the choice to learn more about what they are reading. By the simple action of clicking, people pass from anonymous visitor to interested readers seeking to know more. In other words a potential customer.
One click, to arouse curiosity
To fulfill its CTA function, this button must have several characteristics:
- Strong colors – to stand out from the crowd while respecting the graphic charter
- A bounded box – to catch the eye of the reader
- A catchy title – to help people understand in one sentence, the value added by your company
- A synthetic subtitle – to highlight the benefits of such an offer
- A simple button – to finalize the action quickly and drive to your landing page
One click, in the right place
The position of your CTA is a strategic factor that must meet two opposing objectives:
- To catch the attention of your reader, and therefore be visible
- To not to disturb him in his reading. Your CTA must be discreet enough not to appear disruptive.
Although there is no set rule for perfectly positioning the CTA, there are good practices to consider in order positioning it efficiently.
Then you can monitor and test different configurations to achieve the best conversion rate.
Take into account that a reader does not necessarily read a blog article as a whole. It is then common to define different sizes of CTA. A discreet size that you will slip between the early paragraphs of your article. The one you position at the bottom of your article will be more prominent.
You can also think about placing it in your sidebar if you use one.
To define the optimal positions for your CTA, we advise you to perform testing and analysis.
The best-known method is A / B Testing.
It aims to create two types (A and B) of pages with CTAs placed in different places:
- Spread these pages to different groups of visitors
- Analyze the impression statistics, click through rate and conversion rate that each of its pages will generate
- Define the one that performs the best
3. Customize Your Call-To-Actions
Create a unique experience for each prospect type: dynamic content, personalized for each unique visitor (according to behavior, company and personal sociodemographic information, and areas of interest).
This will allow you to improve the user experience – but especially your prospect-to-customer conversion rate.
The ultimate in personalization allow visitors to your site to see images, buttons and options of products or services that meet their interests, pages they have already seen or products they already have purchased.
Better still, custom CTAs offer a 42% higher conversion rate compared to standard CTAs.
In other words, dynamic content and page customization help you generate more leads and therefore more customers.
4. Perform Tests, Always Tests, Then Even More Tests
We cannot stress enough this part of the process. A / B testing can do wonders for your click rates.
Sometimes you just need a very simple test for the formulation of your call-to-actions, the design of your landing page or the images displayed, to see a strong improvement in performance.
5. Take Care of Your Leads
Remember: no lead magically turns into a customer. A lead is only interesting if you devote enough effort to its maturation.
As soon as leads fill out a form on your landing page, put them in a workflow so they do not forget you, and offer them valuable content that suits their interests.
Lead nurturing must begin with relevant tracking emails that contain quality content. Learn as much as you can about your leads in this process, and customize future contacts in an automated way.
According to Forrester Research, companies that engage in a lead nurturing process are seeing their lead-ready leads increase by 50 percent compared to non-lead businesses; all at a 33 percent lower cost.
Your Turn
Do you have any tips on Lead Generation, or more specifically, CTAs that you’d like to share with your fellow readers? Please leave your comments, below. Thanks!
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Junaid Ali Qureshi is an eCommerce entrepreneur with a passion for tech and marketing. Some of his current ventures include Elabelz.com, Progos Tech, Titan Tech and Smart Marketing. You can tweet him @junaid_aqureshi
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