5 Screenshot Tools to Aid Your Visual Tweets

There’s no single opinion as to whether visual Tweets (i.e. Tweets that have an uploaded image that go with them) are good or bad. Some people claim they are annoying and people unfollow you because of them. Others say they see many more interactions with tweets that are accompanied by an appealing image (Stats seem…
How To Get More Pinterest Followers For Your Brand

Pinterest for Business Pinterest is a great visual platform. It’s fun, functional and fast-paced. You brand can absolutely benefit from being on Pinterest, as long as your social media marketing goals include increased web traffic, brand recognition and online audience. Whether you decide to take on Pinterest for your brand depends on your current marketing…
Competitive Analysis: The Key To Success In The Digital Age

By Lee Traupel There’s an old Gypsy saying heard around the campfire: “speed can be a friend or your enemy.” This is so applicable to small to mid sized companies today. Rapid change and global markets are defining how business grow and compete. Competitive Analysis is Critical in the High Speed Digital Age It’s truly…
Here’s How To Win The Battle For Customer Attention

By Michael Brenner Today’s consumer is bombarded with thousands of marketing messages every single day. In order to stand apart from the noise, many brands are shifting their marketing budgets out of paid advertising (that we all ignore at staggering rates) and into content programs. These branded content marketing hubs are creating owned media properties…
Why Your Content Lives or Dies in 10 Seconds
By Lee Traupel Content marketing is non-interruptive marketing that engages and informs a visitor. It’s gonna work or fall flat in about ten seconds like a great Sam Cooke song – you’re humming along or tuning it out. You have ten seconds to get the attention of your visitor. The usability maestro Jakob Nielsen’s Darwinian…
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