eCommerce CRO: 10 Tips on Improving Your Conversion Rates

You have invested in your eCommerce website. Your awesome team was involved. You have started from scratch (or upgraded your blog to include an eCommerce element), built, and (finally!) marketed it. Time to sit back, relax, and wait for the sales. Right? Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but are you…
Curatti Best Articles of 2020 (And Happy New Year 2021!)

2020 is finally over! How long did it last? Until now, every year of our lives went faster than any before it. Not this one! Goodbye annus horribilis! You’ll never be forgotten! A Quick Summary of 2020 Life changed. The end! Our 2020 Authors This year, we published over 130 articles, some written by old…
7 Ways to Increase Your Website Leads by Improving UX and UI

Why are UX and UI Important? Website UX and UI design are so important for many reasons, and lead acquisition is only one of them. A website is often your first “handshake” with a potential customer, and if that isn’t a friendly one, you’ll have a lot of work to do to make up for…
5 Technical Skills Online Entrepreneurs Should Learn About ASAP

We know the technological world is on an exponential growth trend. We also know it’s no longer just about highly-performing computers and gadgets. Nowadays, modern technologies are available in all types of industries from fully-automated production lines to advanced security systems against financial fraud to even intelligent algorithms that can create fact-checked news. So what…
7 Components That Will Improve Your Mobile Centricity

Our day-to-day lives have become mobile-centric. Everything that we do as consumers revolves around mobile technology. From checking email, social media interaction, paying bills, shopping and absorbing rich media, our world seems to be complimented by smartphones. It’s imperative for companies to comprehend and harness the importance of mobile-centricity. Tweet67Share18Share11Pin197 Shares
Why DIY SEO Typically Does Not Work

In some ways, I feel like the term SEO is heavily overused these days. After spending the last 10+ years working in the Search industry, it has become quite evident that SEO is used and abused. SEO pertains to an optimization method in the form of text, images, and video. The end goal is to…
9 Essentials for Building a Dominant Digital Brand

The internet has forever changed humanity. It might just be the best thing since sliced bread. From a business perspective particularly, it has absolutely revolutionized the way brands do business. Over 67% of consumers are inclined to purchase a product or service on a mobile device. 1 out of 5 people in Africa use the internet…