
Anna Fox

How To Create Visual Content That Builds Empathy With Your Brand

Visual Content Builds Empathy

“Good politics starts with empathy, proceeds to analysis, then sets out values and establishes the vision, before getting to the nitty-gritty of policy solutions.” ~David Miliband via It’s the same for business… It all starts with building empathy, or in other words, understanding and compassion. And that, in turn, starts with building common ties…

James Malone

Visual Marketing: Either You’re In or Your Brand Is Out!

The Growing Importance of Visual Marketing

In the faster than The Flash digital age, the future of marketing is visual. With the advent of social media, smartphones and use of visual content, marketing today is more dynamic and versatile than ever before, and still growing and evolving. A study from Wharton School of Business found that 67% of the audience (from Piktochart blog)…

Jenn Herman

Here’s How to Gain Quality Instagram Followers

Quality Instagram Followers

Continuing our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Jenn Herman shows us how to get more quality Instagram followers…. Your Most Common Question…. I’ll admit that I’ve avoided writing this specific blog post for a while. Not because it’s not a valid topic, but because I’ve hidden this message in other blog posts to…

Martin (Marty) Smith

Is Your Content Living A Resume or Eulogy Life?

David Brooks Eulogy Content hero on Curatti

Watch Video Resume vs. Eulogy TV analyst and author David Brooks’ TED Talk on living Eulogy instead of Resume lives was so moving I wrote a post asking my friends on LinkedIn if they were living Eulogy lives. Today’s Curatti post asks a variation of David Brooks’ question, Is your CONTENT living a resume or…

Martin (Marty) Smith

How Can Your Website “Make Love”: 5 Internet Marketing Tips

How Websites Make Love Beatles Graphic on Curatti

The Beatles Were Right When the Beatles said, “And, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make” they were both right and prescient. The Beatles were speaking about web marketing long before there was a web. Creating websites that people LOVE is rarely discussed. I’ve heard, “Create great content”…

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