7 Digital Marketing Apps To Boost Your Business Development

As digital marketers, we face complex challenges. While the time allotted for analysis and communication should be minimized, these tasks are the foundations of any project. Therefore, they must be done right. If they aren’t, competitive project development is almost impossible. I have tested dozens of Digital Marketing Apps at Freepps.top, and I have some…
The Hottest Social Media Marketing Tools [Infographic]

In terms of reliability and consistency, social media is the most stable avenue for brand exposure the world has ever known. People whole-heartedly incorporate social media into their everyday lives. And that opens up an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to connect with their target demographics. In the USA, more than $14.8 billion was spent on…
The Changing Landscape of Social Media Usage

The 2016 Nielsen Report On Social Media Usage At the beginning of the year, the Dutch survey firm Nielsen published its annual Social Media Report on the use of Internet and social media. It reveals very interesting figures on user habits. Contrary to expectations, we learn that the biggest users are not the Millennials. Gen X’ers…
Choosing the Right Social Media Scheduling Tool

Do you want to make social media really work for your business? Terms like queuing, curating, and aggregating can be confusing. You know you want customers to see you on Twitter or Facebook. What tools and apps do you really need? And how do you maximize your social media presence? The old way of posting…
Competitive Analysis: The Key To Success In The Digital Age

By Lee Traupel There’s an old Gypsy saying heard around the campfire: “speed can be a friend or your enemy.” This is so applicable to small to mid sized companies today. Rapid change and global markets are defining how business grow and compete. Competitive Analysis is Critical in the High Speed Digital Age It’s truly…
Must-Have Social Media Tools Every Small Business Needs

As a busy small business owner, keeping up with social media can feel like a never-ending battle. From content creation to the curation of relevant articles, maintaining a consistent presence takes more time than you have in your day. So, how can you remain interactive while still running your business? That’s where the right tools…