10 Steps To Becoming a Better B2B Marketer

So you’re a marketer. But are you a great marketer? When I first started in the B2B marketing industry, I thought that it was enough to know the basics. But now that I’ve been doing the job for a few years, I can honestly say that there’s so much I didn’t know. Below are ten…
7 Ways That Social Media is Affecting Us Positively

Editor’s note: Two weeks ago, we published this excellent article by Dina Indelicato: Is Social Media Really an Existential Threat? There is a flip side though. And Varun Sharma presents it here. While you will be aware of most of the points put forward, the article is nevertheless timely. How Social Media is Affecting Us…
The Secret Recipe For Successful Social Customer Service

Every December we see a proliferation of articles with predictions for the following year. The funny thing is that you can get some of them until February! Anyway don’t worry because this post is NOT one of those. I’m inviting you to focus on the present in order to take advantage of it. In fact, when it…
6 Key Metrics for Measuring B2B Social Media ROI

Another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. This is a subject we all need to know more about but perhaps tend to steer clear of. Surely though, a metrics article about Social Media ROI is too good to pass up? Key Metrics for Measuring B2B Social Media ROI Social media has become…
How To Use Empathy In Social Customer Service

Convincing a reluctant prospect to become your customer or an existing one to remain is not that easy; if you want to have chances to be successful, you have to provide them with great reasons. Actually you need to spur their emotional side with one of the most powerful triggers in customer service — empathy. Every…
The Link Between Social, Customer Service and Sales

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″] [et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] If I had to sum up the impact of social media on business with just one word, I’d call it a r-evolution; it describes perfectly the digital tsunami that affected marketing, sales and customer service. Consumers have become more and more inclined to ‘tweet on brands doors‘ rather…
Are You Ready to Create a Storefront on Facebook?

Get ready online store owners…online shoppers may soon be looking for your store – on Facebook. Although Facebook storefronts are not entirely new, Facebook is currently working on improving and enhancing the shopping experience for users on its platform. According to a recent article on SocialTimes, Facebook is testing mini e-commerce shops on select pages,…
Using Social Media Listening Enhances Business Conversations

Truth: everyone has opinions. We all possess a certain need for having conversations with others about those opinions. At the same time, we also hope that someone is listening and hearing about whatever is on our minds. Social media has become that open forum for many of us. And, as business owners, we can –…
How to SMAC the Competition

B2B SMBs have seen a lot happen in their industry over the past decade. First, came the rise of social, then the invasion of mobile, followed by the arrival of cloud and ultimately the incorporation of analytics in all this. For major Fortune 500 companies, this has been a boon for innovation. Hardware companies like…
Generation C: The Social Benefit of Baby Boomers

With increasing frequency, we hear and read that in the social networks, it is better to focus on the quality of relationships, rather than relying solely on the number of friends and followers. And by investing in more sustainable relationships, we obtain a better ROI with social media. However, in the current context, the baby…
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