The Life-Changing Power of Content Marketing: A Story

This is the amazing story of how content marketing took one woman on a journey from being a Silicon Valley worker to the owner of a Michelin-rated restaurant. The most surprising fact? How inexperienced she was as a chef. She told… “I learned to cook when I first tasted what passed for Thai food here in the States. Before…
How to Get People to Share Your Content

If you have ever wanted to figure out how to get people to share your content and attract more visitors, then you’ll want to pay close attention to this final post in my series on the power of suspenseful, serialized content. In my last post, How to Create Content That Will Hold People’s Attention and Keep Them…
How to Create Content That Will Hold People’s Attention

With people having such short attention spans these days, every content marketer is trying to figure out how to create content that will hold people’s attention. In today’s post, I’ll show you just how to do this. But first let me remind you about what I taught you last time. In my last post, How Content…
How and Why Content Marketers Should Use Serialization

The Lesson Content Marketers Need to Learn from Charles Dickens I was watching a show on Netflix a few nights ago that has become a new favorite of mine. It’s called Monumental Mysteries and it’s from the Travel Channel. I love how they tell little-known stories from history with suspense and intrigue. The particular episode that I…