SEO Benefits of Live Streaming Videos

The first attempts at live streaming videos were made as long ago as the 1990s. But back then, the effect was significantly decreased by small bandwidths and low quality of a video. It wasn’t until quite recently that both these factors achieved the values that made producing them worthwhile. Likewise, watching live streaming videos has gone from being a…
A Newbie’s Guide To Knowledge Bases

In today’s connected world, consumers expect fast and accurate information. If you can’t provide them with what they want exactly when they want it, they will find someone who can. It’s really as simple as that! This is why you need to try and meet every need of your target customers. Consistently satisfying customers makes…
9 Reasons to Adopt a Knowledge Base for Your Website

Having a knowledge base for your website is becoming more and more popular, as it can provide users with many benefits. No matter what kind of a website you have and what products or services you offer, creating a knowledge base and integrating it with your website is a great step to take. It can…
10 Modern SEO Ranking Factors Businesses Should Abide By

SEO is a multi-faceted channel. One that has evolved significantly from its so-called “silo” days. Companies must now evaluate, strategize and implement in accordance for optimal search visibility in the marketplace. In the U.S. alone, Google dominates 85% of the search market share. The #1 activity on a desktop, tablet or mobile device of U.S.…