9 Easy To Fix About Page Mistakes Costing Your Brand

Truth be told, most businesses About Us pages suck. That’s unfortunate, to say the least, as the About Page is the second most popular page on a website after the home page. In a recent usability study conducted by KoMarketing, 52% of respondents said they want to see “About” information on a home page! If…
11 Instagram Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Instagram Mistakes To Avoid Instagram may not have Facebook’s popularity, but it does have the “cool” factor, with 59 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 using the service. For advertisers, that age group has always been a goldmine, since they’re forming brand loyalties that will last well into old age. But…
How To Avoid These 4 Innovation Mistakes

This article by Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) once again looks at innovation – this time, detailing four common mistakes people make. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. 4 Innovation Mistakes One of the things that startup guru Steve Blank likes to say is that no business plan survives…
5 Influencer Marketing Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

In this article, Shane Barker shows reveals 5 influencer marketing mistakes that you shouldn’t wast you time or money on. He gives some examples and also advice on how to avoid them. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Avoid These Influencer Marketing Mistakes So you’re getting started with influencer…
6 Common Blogging Blunders (And How To Fix Them)

In the Summit for Content Marketing, I was asked to discuss Blogging Blunders. Because I manage the content seen on Curatti, the title was chosen for me. I grew to like the idea because it’s true that I’ve seen my share of blunders. Plus, I love helping people to learn from the mistakes of others…
6 Social Media Mistakes That Cost Businesses Dearly

According to Statista, in 2020, the number of social media users will reach nearly 3 billion (2.95bn to be exact) – that’s 40% of the current world population. When you think of that as a marketing platform for businesses, social media is now an essential if not vital part of any business’s digital marketing strategy.…
11 Common Product Launch Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

Product Launch Mistakes Are Sooo Common! Excited about launching your new product? Of course you are! But maybe your excitement is mixed with a tinge of anxiety as well. This is all perfectly normal since most product launches fail. In fact, CMS Wire reported that around 80% of newly-launched products fail in the consumer packaged…