How To Use Storytelling For Instagram Sales

Once upon a time, when Instagram began its way online, it was nothing to do with sales. There was a fun test to check which social network was right for you: Indeed: At first, Instagram was more like a personal photo album or online storefront to publish product photos. But as its technical capabilities and…
How to Use Video Content Marketing to Promote a Non-Profit

Video marketing has been fast evolving over a decade lately, and it’s still going ever stronger. Whether you are operating a non-profit (or volunteering to help one which is always a good idea), here are a few tips to use video marketing. First things first: The Power of Video Content If we want to really…
How The First 5-Seconds Of Your Facebook Video Can Grab Attention

There are over eight billion video views on Facebook daily. How do you make yours stand out? How exactly can you create videos that boost your authority, viewership, engagement, and sales? Unique content and an eye-grabbing title are vital for the overall success of your video. But you need to fight against the low human…
8 Regulations to Know When Developing an Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is convenient since it allows you to reach potential customers from all over the world with a few quick clicks. However, the respective laws for getting in touch with people online can vary and knowing them could make the difference between earning conversions and getting into legal trouble. Here are eight email marketing…
Which Social Media Platform Is Best For Me?

Hate it or love it, you need to have a good social media strategy. This literally means hours after hours of split testing and thousands of dollars in social media tools, right? Erm, no. What if I tell you that at the end of this post, you will discover cheap (and probably free) ways to…
4 Ways to Make Your Marketing More Effective

How a Boy Got Stuck in a Chimney In 2011, Richard and Sandy Draper came home to a surprising situation that would end up leaving their house partially destroyed. What happened? You’ll never believe it, but follow along anyway. They returned to their Utah home from dinner one Friday evening around 7:30pm and when they got into the house…