
Birbahadur Singh Kathayat

7 Trends That Will Transform Online Business In The Future

Transform Online Business

With the unleashing of emerging cutting-edge technologies, almost every aspect of our society will see a transformation. New technologies will have a huge impact on the way online business will be carried out in 2018 and beyond. Modern technological systems such as ERP and CRM are highly capable of boosting productivity and reducing costs by…

Greg Satell

4 Industries Benefiting From The Internet Of Things

Internet of Things

In this article, Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) discusses industries affected by Internet of Things innovation. It is a departure from our usual content, but a perfect weekend read for all geeks. We’re always wondering when these innovations will affect our own business. For now, it remains interesting to see it in action elsewhere. This…

Daniel Newman

How to Create Brand Attachment Through Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Continuing our “Great Articles You may have missed” series….. In the modern consumer world, customers expect top-notch experiences from reliable brands. Companies must not only meet this need, they must do so while contending with ever-shortening consumer attention spans. Relevance attachment keeps your customers close to your brand by keeping your brand consistently pertinent to their lives. …

Jan Gordon

It’s Really The Internet of People

By Bob Barker With all the talk of the Internet of Things being this years buzz word, bandwagon and FUD focus (fear, uncertainty and doubt created by the tech industry), its worth remembering its still really all about what I, and a few others, call the Internet of People. The Internet, this amazing, democratizing resource…

Albert Qian

How to SMAC the Competition

B2B SMBs have seen a lot happen in their industry over the past decade. First, came the rise of social, then the invasion of mobile, followed by the arrival of cloud and ultimately the incorporation of analytics in all this. For major Fortune 500 companies, this has been a boon for innovation. Hardware companies like…

Raymond Morin

10 Ways That Generation C Impact Us

Generation C: At the Center of Social Transformations At the dawn of 2015, a trend already stands out in social media for the coming months. The new generation of connected consumers, which we now call Generation C, is definitely registering as a hub in the transition from the industrial era to the digital age. Already…

Albert Qian

How to Incorporate Customer Storytelling in Your Business

The way business marketing has been executed has changed over the past few years, particularly with the rise of social media. What used to be a one way conversation became a two-way conversation with the Internet, when customers realized the power of developing their own websites and providing their own reviews. When social media became…