What is More Important? Productivity or Efficiency?

An interesting question from Daniel Newman. And a thought-provoking article. Is Productivity more important than Efficiency? It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series… Productivity Vs. Efficiency Would you rather do the same with less, or do more with the same? That’s the conundrum presented in a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article,…
This Digital Divide Is Leaving Many Companies Behind

What digital divide? Amongst the world’s most innovative nations, the United States is globally known for its cutting-edge digital capabilities. Yet according to a McKinsey report from earlier this year, the U.S. economy is realizing only 18% of its digital potential. The productivity gains digital technologies should be enabling are not being seen in the…
Millennials Are Reshaping Work – Here’s How

By Shelly Kramer Further confirmation, if it were needed, that the millennial generation is dramatically reshaping the world of work has emerged from a recent report. This time though, the global nature of the research has not only reinforced many of the most common assumptions about millennials and work, but has also revealed that in…
Why Small Brands Need Big Data

For Business Big And Small, Big Data Is A Big Deal Did you know that 90% of the world’s data was generated in the past 2 years? Moreover, every minute on the internet there are more than 2,000,000 Google searches, 685,000 Facebook updates, 200 million sent emails and 48 hours worth of video uploaded to…
Here are Questions to Broaden the Data Analytics Discussion

In my article originally titled “To Break free of the Silo, look outside of it”, I ended by saying: ”Context broadens the audience but questions from outsiders broaden the discussion.” This is the first post in a series intended to do just that, where I will pick a subject and ask what I hope are…