How to Blog Successfully and Stay Fresh While Working Full Time

Let’s get one thing straight: Blogging is WORK. It’s not a leisurely stroll in the park. If you are blogger and you are working full time, it can be a daunting task some days. You really must be careful not to let yourself get burned out. Therefore, you may find yourself doing the same thing…
5 Editorial Guidelines Based Tips To Writing Better Content

As a content marketer, I have to read editorial guidelines literally every single day. I’ve read so many of them that sometimes I can predict the end of sentences. Some can argue that every blog has its particular requirements, but there are always some common things I find on every “write-for-us” page. The main points…
Guest Blogging Guidelines: How We Compiled Ours

All blogs that accept guest posts have some form of guest blogging guidelines. And all would-be guest bloggers have to navigate them. Ours have evolved slowly and will no doubt be changed more. A Little Background On Our Guest Blogging Guidelines A lot of the reason our guidelines are what they are is because I’m…
Cautions and Advice for Guest Bloggers & New Content Marketers

This post starts as a bit of a rant. It isn’t so much aimed at Content Marketers, as those who talk about Content Marketing (but probably don’t do it). It is also a friendly nudge to would-be guest bloggers, searching for the right blog for their content. How Not To Do a Guest Post As…
14 Tricks You Can Try If You Want To Get More Blog Readers

You put all your heart and soul into writing posts on your blog, and yet it seems you get hardly any readers. This doesn’t seem fair. Especially when other blogs seems to produce (in your opinion) inferior posts and they seem to have thousands of readers. What is it that they’re doing right and you’re doing wrong?…
7 Attributes of a Highly Effective Guest Blogger

Writing as a guest blogger can have its own advantages in terms of promoting your blog, expanding your reach to new audiences and increasing the amount of visitors that you receive. There are several key attributes that people will look for when they are choosing a guest blogger, and if you can demonstrate that you…
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