When Does Personalization Cross The Line From Fuzzy To Creepy?

We all like to feel that we are personally being addressed in marketing efforts aimed at us, right? But at what point does personalization cross the line and simply go too far? Daniel Newman delves into the subject. It is another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series….. Personalization: How Much Is…
Why Digital Transformation Needs To Maintain A Human Touch

Digital Transformation continues to gain velocity. But even as technology takes over many tasks, it’s important that a Human touch is retained. This thought-provoking article by Bryan Kramer s another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Maintain A Human Touch in Digital Transformation A few years ago, experts were trumpeting that the future…
Does All Of Your Social Media Content Serve Your Whole Audience

A little departure from our normal article. Jenn Herman relates a discussion with a blind fan, that had a profound effect on her. And it may well make you think. Certainly, it’s a very quick and easy read for such a long article. It is another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series.…
6 Super Effective Ways to Boost your Mobile Conversion Rates

Certainly, anything to do with eCommerce is more likely to be relevant to retail sites. However, there are always lessons to be learned by B2B organizations. This article by Shane Barker looks at how to boost your mobile conversion rates for eCommerce. It is another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series.…
3 Ways Marketers Can Use Social AI For Lead Generation

Artificial Intelligence’s impact on marketing continues to gain speed. In this article, Shelly Kramer looks at the early steps of Social AI and how it can boost Lead Generation. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Social AI For Lead Generation Marketers use social in a variety of ways, from searching for social…
How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact SEO and Search

Artificial Intelligence is changing SEO and therefore search. Shelly Kramer details how these changes are taking shape. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. The AI Impact on Search There is no shortage of topics to discuss when we’re talking about artificial intelligence (AI). It’s hot for a good reason: AI changes the…
The 3 Not So Easy Steps To Innovation and Problem Solving

This article by Greg Satell (aka Digital Tonto) tackles the subjects of problem-solving and innovation. I hope you are as stimulated by it as I was. It is another in our “Great Articles You May Have Missed” series. Tackling Innovation In 3 (Not So Easy) Steps By the early 20th century, the world’s great mathematicians knew…
Want More Instagram Followers? Here Are 3 Foolproof Ways

Chances are, you’ve wondered at times about how to gain more Instagram followers. This is never more true than when your count mysteriously declines! Fear not! In this article, Jenn Herman details 3 foolproof ways to boost your following. It is another article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. 3 Foolproof Ways…
What is More Important? Productivity or Efficiency?

An interesting question from Daniel Newman. And a thought-provoking article. Is Productivity more important than Efficiency? It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series… Productivity Vs. Efficiency Would you rather do the same with less, or do more with the same? That’s the conundrum presented in a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article,…
How to Write Content That People Will Read and Share

This is one of the hottest topics of the day. How do you get people to read and share your ‘perfect’ content? In this article in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series, Shane Barker shows us how. Write Content That People Will Love to Read and Share If there’s no engagement, is your…
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