
Shelly Kramer

Google Told You How to Rank. Did You Listen?

It’s rare that any company reveals its trade secrets. It’s especially rare for tech giant Google to do so. But in March, they did just that during an online Q&A session when Google search quality senior strategist Andrey Lipattsev listed the three most important factors they use to rank websites and web pages. Content and…

Raymond Morin

Uberisation and the New Economy

First there was GAFA, Now there is NATU Over the last two years, we saw the four giants of the Web and social media (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) literally take control of the new economy. The weight of GAFA is now determinant on Wall Street, and their market capitalization exceeds those of major brands…

Nicholas Scalice

7 SEO Trends You Need to Know Now

Even though search engine optimization (SEO) is less than 20 years old, it has evolved quite a number of times and still continues to do so. For example, Google’s search algorithms are updated on a continual basis, bringing changes that brands of all sizes must adapt to, if they want to stay in business. In this article,…

Jan Gordon

What’s Really Going On With Google+?

By Mike Allton Perhaps you’ve seen the news, perhaps you haven’t, but once again, Google has made some decisions and course-corrections with Google+ that have caused a bit of a ruckus. Naysayers are naysaying again, and fanboys are getting as desperate as the Cubs to spin a win out of things. So what’s really going…

Anders Orsander

Why You Need To Be On Google Plus

Every time Google announce a change to Google Plus, there are big headlines announcing the imminent death of Google Plus. The irony is that when Facebook split Messenger from the Facebook app no one announced the death of Facebook. I often encounter a very negative attitude towards Google Plus. That’s why I call Google Plus…

Rebekah Radice

Social Media Etiquette: A Visual Guide

With the advent of technology, social media has become the order of the day. Businesses turn to social media for increased exposure while decreasing their bottom line. And when used effectively, it can allow for greater customer service and improved brand awareness. Unfortunately, it can also lead to mishaps and devastating mistakes with the push…

Anders Orsander

Do you connect with Pages or People?

Think of a post from a Facebook Page and think about why you interacted with it. I was given this task in preparation for a social media workshop. Looking through my profile I realised I don’t interact with pages a lot. I like a bunch of them, admin a couple. I interact with people, both…

Jan Gordon

Diversify Your Blog Content With Expert Interviews

By Ann Smarty Let me break it to you: For every well written blog post you write, readers can find a dozen just like it (covering the same topic), and probably just as helpful. It’s time that we diversify and stand out. It’s time that we offer something more than useful advice and tools: It’s…

Rob Peters

Social Selling: Find A Way To Their Heart​

I was enjoying the warmer weather in Chicago this past weekend and was listening to “Find A To My Heart” by Phil Collins and these lyrics resonated in how I build trust and relationships with my prospects, clients, and all my friends on social media. Effective B2B Social Selling must appeal to the buyer with…

Jennifer Hanford

Google Plus Is Neither Dead Nor Dying. Here’s Why!

Whether you like it or not – and whether you use it or not – Google Plus is here to stay…at least for now. It’s difficult to describe this complex platform, but here is one definition that sums up Google Plus: Google+ (or Google Plus) is a social networking and identity service that is owned…

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