Here’s What You Need to Know About Google Posts

Every now and then, something new sneaks into the marketing equation largely unnoticed. Did you know anything about Google Posts? Neither did we! So this article by John Jantsch is an important read. It is another in our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Introducing Google Posts Google is at it again! After much anticipation,…
Can We Really Share Visual Content on Multiple Networks

Visual content is expected to explode in the year 2015. From using visual images to promote a company’s products and services to posting visual content on a landing page, there are many ways and reasons to use visual content on a website. However, for those who are concerned about visual content’s overall place regarding social…
Amplify Your Messaging With a Less is More Strategy
By Lee Traupel I can’t believe the amount of content shared targeting small business that rhapsodizes about the endless rewards bigger brands are generating with social media marketing like Toms, SAP, Cisco, Intel, SalesForce, et al. Many of you do not have the marketing resources, staff and/or technical expertise to create and deploy this…
Fill Out Your GooglePlus Profile To SEO Yourself

In this weekly series on online community building, I’ve been talking about how to appear online as the distinct entity you are using unique content, whether you’re representing yourself as an individual or as an employee of a company, or as a business. Today I want to focus for a moment where all that content might…