Marketing: The Power of These Three Simple Outcomes

Marketing can seem as complex as Einstein’s theory of relativity at times. Many people look at small business marketing just as they look at a board full of formulae and consider it arcane and incomprehensible! But it really isn’t so complex. It does have a lot of moving parts and there are many ways to…
Facebook’s Ever Changing Content Carousel
The Ever Changing Content Carousel It’s no question that content is important on social media, and has been a large driver of social media’s meteoric rise as a preferred choice for marketers. Companies such as Upworthy ($8 million dollar Series A in August) have led the content revolution – not creating anything new, but merely…
Who Should You Follow Back and Why?

If you’re just getting started with social networking, here’s a hard-earned lesson many veteran online networkers are still coming to terms with. Don’t follow back on social networks, just because. Establish an intentional follow policy. Maybe it seems polite to follow someone who followed you or, you’re connected to them in some other part of…
Is Ecommerce Stuck In The Mud?
Is E-commerce Stuck In The Mud? After our first Holiday Ecommies Review of 30+ top online retailers (@Ecommies is a new ecommerce ratings, review and award site coming soon). It’s clear e-retailers are stuck in the mud. Holiday 2013 merchandising was flat, uninspired and not original or festive. and Williams-Sonoma created Holiday 2013 bright…
Websites vs. Blogs – Which One is Better and Why?
Websites and Blogs Are Different What is the difference between a blog and a website? “Blog” and “website” are sometimes used interchangeably. They are not, but we wouldn’t be as static in our definition as the “Apples” vs. “Oranges” image above. Blogs and websites have important roles to play in successful content and social marketing.…
Invention v. Reinvention In The Age of Disruption
Human history is littered with examples of how rebuilding is so much swifter and more complete if whatever preceded it was wiped out. Of course, that has typically come after something very bad has happened. Many people embark on their entrepreneurial career after something as major yet of course on a far smaller scale. It…
5 Maketing Mishaps and How You Can Get Right Back on Track

Varying Paths to the Same Result What is it that causes so many capable entrepreneurs with a solid service to offer, to fail miserably? I’ve found that in most cases it comes down to marketing and its terrifying sibling; sales. Revenue is always a top 3 challenge in polls and rises in prominence when the…
Do Your Marketing Messages Connect with Your Buyer’s Needs and Desires?

People buy for two reasons. They are trying to eliminate pain points or they are trying to reach a compelling desire. If your small business marketing doesn’t focus on how your service helps them address one of those two issues, you’re just rolling the dice. Creating effective marketing, which I define as marketing that delivers…
How Do You Avoid Being Defined by Your Customers?

How Do You Turn Clients Away? Revenue versus Growth… Turning away customers is nerve-wracking. You need clients to grow and without revenue a business is no more than a hobby. So, how can I suggest that there are clients that you need to turn away? Ironically, the smaller and younger your business, the more you need to…
Do Your Marketing Messages Get Lost in all The Noise?

If owning a business is your second career, you’re in a different position than typical entrepreneurs. Let’s figure out how to maximize your advantages and minimize your challenges to build a growing and fulfilling business. You should be able to use your knowledge and experience to become successful rather quickly, if you plan correctly. You…
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