5 Ways to Get More Comments on Instagram

Instagram doesn’t have a chronologically arranged newsfeed anymore. Posts are now organized based on engagement. If your posts get more engagement in the form of comments and likes, they will appear higher in the newsfeed. Appearing higher in the newsfeed will boost your engagement further. More comments can also indicate the effectiveness of your social…
9 Great Ways to Increase Engagement on Social Media

In this epic article, Shane Barker shows us the best ways to increase engagement on Social Media. While you are undoubtedly already following some of the advice given here, it is nevertheless invaluable to see all of this in a single article. It is “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Increase Engagement on Social…
Here’s How to Gain Quality Instagram Followers

Continuing our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. Jenn Herman shows us how to get more quality Instagram followers…. Your Most Common Question…. I’ll admit that I’ve avoided writing this specific blog post for a while. Not because it’s not a valid topic, but because I’ve hidden this message in other blog posts to…
5 Ways to Promote a Product Launch with Influencer Marketing

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know that influencer marketing is an effective way to build brand awareness, boost customer loyalty, and increase conversions. But did you know that influencers are also a powerful way to promote new products? A Nielsen survey found that 83% of consumers trust recommendations from people they…
5 Tips to Help Grow Your Email List Using Social Media

Continuing our “Great Articles You may have missed” series. This by one of the original friends of Curatti, Jenn Herman, looks into how she grew her own email list. How To Grow Your Email List I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years now and the one big regret I have is that I didn’t focus…
5 Tactics For Extending Conversations With Customers

Communication is the key to building a long lasting relationship with your customers. After all, it’s fairly rare for a relationship to form between a brand and a consumer after a single moment of contact. Your job, as a content marketer, is to find ways to maintain contact by identifying opportunities to keep the conversation…
16 Tips to Dominate Social Media Now!

Now that 2016 is well under-way, it’s a great time to take stock of take stock of the social media landscape and look ahead to the endless possibilities of the future. You’ve seen all the “success stories” – talking about their exponential growth, sure-fire tricks, and guaranteed business propulsion tactics. Why can’t you do that?…