
Daniel Newman

Building Trust With Content Marketing: The Basics

 5 Ways To Build Trust With Content Marketing  How to ensure content marketing gets through the online noise. If you stop to consider the fact that there are 347 blog posts created every minute, you will probably come to the conclusion that we have entered the age of information overload. Beyond blogs, there are videos,…

Jan Gordon

Why Marketers Should Stop Expecting Their Content To Go Viral

The following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral ContenThe following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: Marketers: Stop Expecting Viral Content Expectations are a part of life. They play a critical role in relationships, life events, job performance, sports and yes, even…

Albert Qian

A Social Media Budget For Every Strategy: Content Marketing

With social media being so ubiquitous in marketing activities, marketers have many options to choose from when considering what platform to use. The numbers can be very confusing sometimes, in addition to the identification of why the marketer needs a particular platform. As I look at my social media efforts month over month, I always consider…

Jan Gordon

Here’s A Whole New Approach To Content Marketing

The following article is republished with permission from Michael Brito: A Smarter Way To Think About Content Marketing The challenge with “content marketing” as a term or approach is that it’s by nature a very tactical way to engage with customers and prospects. It can easily be done in a silo. There is nothing stopping…

Karen Dietz

Here’s the bottom line: if your content does not engage your reader emotionally, their connection to you is puny. Their ability to remember you vanishes. Your value to them is lost. No no, don’t go down that road! Yet it happens too easily. Any content you create needs to connect and emotionally engage your audience…

Andy Capaloff

The Burning Question: How Can Our Audience Find Us?

The adage that perception is 9/10th of reality is becoming ever more true in the online world.  With Facebook giving their reasons for the decline in organic reach and saying that the fraction of the potential news feed that they show us, is what is relevant to us, the question must be asked as to…

Karen Dietz

How to Find + Tell Awesome Customer Stories

Want to grow your business? Then share your customer stories. Yet one of the greatest difficulties entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and large corporations have is collecting their customer stories. Not only do many organizations resist talking with their customers (I might hear something I don’t like), it requires time and feels complicated to actually get done. But…

Jan Gordon

Brands Need To Get Content Right

Michael Brito has given us permission to re-publish some of his work. The first piece I’ve selected may be over 4 months old, but it is as relevant and fresh as anything you are likely to find on the web, imparting so much information, it is ‘one to bookmark’. The urgency of this piece can…

Karen Dietz

Secrets of Visual Storytelling: 7 Fab How-To Articles

There is a lot of interest these days in visual storytelling because images are processed faster by the brain, and they are way more memorable than text. So mastering the ins-and-outs of visual storytelling is key if you want to grow your business, gain more visibility, or make a difference in the world. So I…

Andy Capaloff

How Do We Find Our Way Out Of The Content Echo Chamber?

In his article, Focus On Your Audience More Than Your Peers, Daniel Newman of Millennial CEO nails a point I have tried to make more than once about the bubble so many content marketers are building around themselves.  It’s actually more of a two-way mirror: here we are, in this space with others writing the…

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